@docpop there’s no way the mileage costs less than parking. Even if it was $20 an hour. Parking cost cant be the only driver, maybe they use it for more data too?
@docpop there’s no way the mileage costs less than parking. Even if it was $20 an hour. Parking cost cant be the only driver, maybe they use it for more data too? 4 comments
@benjistokman @docpop it could be less if they intentionally hit every red light and traffic spot they can. @benjistokman @docpop Spot prices for parking in San Francisco normally run $20-40/hr. You can get under that by pre-booking or buying monthly passes, buy they aren't going to "waste capital" doing that. |
@benjistokman @docpop the IRS mileage rate is around $0.65 per mile I think. That’s supposed to cover cost of operation and maintenance. Driving on city streets in SF, these cars can probably manage to average 10mph or less.
Let’s assume each one of these cars gets hailed once an hour and can find parking for the rest of the hour. Parking would have to be closer to $6.50 an hour or less for parking to be cheaper than driving.
Factor in the bonus data gathering opportunity, and it makes sense.