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The Animal and the Machine

No. I want to out vote it because enough people care and then remove the need for a super majority to do anything. We can vote in because the system does allow it. If we didn’t, the illusion for the blinkered middle would be shattered.

Once in power I don’t see why we’d need to beg for anything? You might need to rethink that one.

1 comment
Inken Paper

@taatm so, in other words, your plan is to scratch lottery tickets until you win, knowing that the house always wins, the decks are marked and stacked, and the dice are weighted against your favour?

this is not a winning strategy, and never has been. electoralism doesn't accomplish what needs doing, and gives politicians all of the power and consent to do absolutely nothing to benefit the working class.

once WHO is in power? if you think that politicians gaining power means you do too, you are a billion percent wrong.

"the blinkered middle" is part of the problem, getting rid of the neutrals isn't.

so, no, i don't need to rethink this. your idea is completely ahistorical, based on absolutely nothing. when has this ever worked, ever?

@taatm so, in other words, your plan is to scratch lottery tickets until you win, knowing that the house always wins, the decks are marked and stacked, and the dice are weighted against your favour?

this is not a winning strategy, and never has been. electoralism doesn't accomplish what needs doing, and gives politicians all of the power and consent to do absolutely nothing to benefit the working class.

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