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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Fuck Facebook and NFT.
WE are the real Metaverse. WE are the actual Web3.0. WE are open, decentralized, empowering, not THEM.

The world hasn't seen a network quite like Fediverse. Such networks need a name and a definition, and they STOLE it from us. They played you like a goddamn fiddle.

我妻 由乃

@drq люди совсем ебанулись со своим NFT уже...

Ariel Costas :galiza:

@drq Not sure about metaverse (not even sure about its definition), but we are definitely the most decentralyzed web that exists.

I host my own f*ing server/instance/node, and talking to any other node over a protocol that many programs understand.

How the fuck can anyone think a huge monopoly money-based write-only storage be the future?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

A slow, authoritative write-only database does have its uses as a technology and its place in the future.. It's not a magic bullet, though. It is not god's revelation. Nothing is. Basing everything on it is madness.

Ariel Costas :galiza:

@drq It makes sense for certain things like "digital money" aka BTC, XMR and so on. But basing the web on top of it? Makes same (none) sense that sticking a website into an email, or building a desktop program consisting on a browser with a website.


>The world hasn't seen a network quite like Fediverse.

But it has seen very similar ones, eg. SMTP and XMPP.

You can call it Web 3.0 if youbwant but we're merely getting back to where we were in the 90s.

Since most of the web has been regressing towards mainframe age during the last decade, you could call this a success. But we have ways to go.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@wolf480pl xmpp is homogenous. No node is different in function and presentation from another node. Fediverse is WILDLY heterogenous. Those are on completely different levels.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Samr goes for e-mail. All mail servers are ideally the same.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

Heterogenous meaning everybody is free and even encouraged to do shit their own way, as long as they stay compatible. So we have microblogging, full-service social networks (Friendica), videohostigs and streaming services, photohostings, social playlist sharing services (Funkwhale), soon there will be social reading engine, there's already a game of fucking chess (, you name it.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@wolf480pl anyway, that's why Fediverse is different and why it's first of its kind.


@drq XMPP isn't all that homogenous - the core protocol may be the same for everyone, but different servers implement different sets of extensions, and then there are components like MUC, gateways to other protocols, HTTP upload, videobridges, etc., each of which does something different, and different implementations of each of those vary noticeably too.

There is also some variety across clients. Not as much as in case of Fedi - AFAIK Movim is the only one which tried doing a non-IM UI.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@wolf480pl For XMPP, trying to get heterogenous is more of a hinderance, because it's not explicit and just introduces mess without any real benefits. XMPP is better when everyoune is on the same page as to what extensions we support and what we don't, which client we use, which supports the extensions we use, etc.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@wolf480pl If we start switching XMPP extensions on and off, the whole becomes less than the sum of its parts. Not so with the Fediverse.


Yeah, it certainly feels like this.
But why is that so?
What is it that we don't like about XMPP heterogenity?
Well, it's not quite compatible.

Unless you specifically choose a client and server that work well together, nothing but a basic text chat will work reliably. Any fancy stuff tends to be incompatible.

But then, is fediverse any better? What kinda user experience do you get when viewing a peertube video in Mastodon, other reading and replying with basic text?

Yeah, it certainly feels like this.
But why is that so?
What is it that we don't like about XMPP heterogenity?
Well, it's not quite compatible.

Unless you specifically choose a client and server that work well together, nothing but a basic text chat will work reliably. Any fancy stuff tends to be incompatible.


@drq @wolf480pl Indeed, I think of federating phone systems...which looks nothing like a mastadon or a friendica.

Сова! 💖:verified_owl:

@drq До Феди был ещё фидонет, у них много общего, как мне кажется.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@lonelyowl да, был. Но все же он тоже был немножечко другой.

Сова! 💖:verified_owl:

@drq ну, да, как говорится, "ничто не воробей кроме воробья".

Dr. Quadragon ❌

I stand by this type of entities needing a definition because eventually, we will have to move on. Something like Fediverse but better will emerge, maybe with different protocol, maybe with different federation principle (ask @cwebber about their work on CapTP or @mike about what he does with Zot), but inevitably so. It will be similar in decentralization, opennes and empowerment, but it won't be The Fediverse, it will be something else, albeit from the same family of networks.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@uu совершенно верно. Но эволюция это процесс. Я ищу определение ее продукта конкретно в этом направлении.

@cwebber @mike

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@cwebber by the way. Where is Evan? Has he long forgotten us?



@drq @cwebber @mike like gopher and www. Or gnutella and bittorrent. Some day a jump happens and it REALLY takes off.

Chris [list of seasonal emoji]

@drq @cwebber @mike

The dividing line (AFAICT) is post-scarcity vs artificial scarcity.

The AS fuckers grabbed the "web3" name because they have lots of money. But we don't need lots of money to survive and they do, so we'll win as soon as they run out of suckers.

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

@drq @cwebber @mike

Forget Metaverse. Who wants to be meta with the Zuck there anyway? #Fediverse is the #PeopleVerse

Web3? Why version this thing, and pretend that is meaningful? We have a mess anyway where it is all blurry. Fediverse offers us a beautiful and intricate #SocialFabric. We weave web here.

🎉 Happy #Fedivolution2022 🚀

#WeThePeopleVerse #WeWeaveWeb


@drq i dont like facebook and the metaverse thing. i rather chill out on protocols like fediverse,gemini and other indie protocols made by independent people.

e 🇺🇦

@drq Fediverse is a fine name, they can have Metaverse

Jonathan Lamothe

@drq I feel like Fediverse is a plenty good name, tbh.


Давайте нахуй убьем этих ублюдков! Они виноваты в наших бедах!

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@uu кто-то из нас однозначно отправляется на кладбище. На их стороне - ресурсы и пиар. На нашей - адаптивность и способность к самоисцелению.

Убьем, всенепременно. Ну или умрем, пытаясь.


@drq О_О ОХУЕТЬ. Это была шутка, чувак. Никаких врагов, никаких флагов, никаких войн. Не с моим участием.

Лиэс :blobfoxupsidedown:

@uu да блин, а я уже броневичок откопал.



@lieslia_sau Вступай в заговор миротворцев. Вместе мы все сделаем "правильно". @drq

Filbert Salim

@drq I am really opposed to #Facebook but not to NFT; I am neutral in this case.


NFT variations would be better off developed for other uses. Facebook and the likes jumped onto such concepts to stain them. Completely agree the Fediverse should receive much more recognition and adoption, but will never agree to hate on NFTs or blockchain as a whole instead of the companies and individuals using them to screw others. That would be like saying the whole Fediverse is a piece of shit because there have been instances dedicated to spread hate speech and conspiracy theories.


If you mean Mastodon is the best, 👌I agree ‼️

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