Absolutely fantastic talk - and great work on the transcript! It was a real joy to read!
When can we ask a LLM to "create a transcript from this: <youtube url>" and it will be able to produce something as good?
@simon When can we ask a LLM to "create a transcript from this: <youtube url>" and it will be able to produce something as good? 3 comments
@simon @osma @NorthBayPython FWIW I find Whisper medium.en or large-v2 frequently outperform YouTube automatic captions for English. WhisperX and whisper.cpp have also gotten the processing much faster on consumer hardware |
@osma @NorthBayPython I'm going to write about that later... I actually got a good start on that transcript by extracting the YouTube captions and then running them through Claude (I had to do a lot of editing myself though)