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War and Peas 🧿

We just want to quickly say how great we think Mastodon is. We experience an inclusive community culture here and believe that you are building a piece of utopia here.

We are aware that some creators have made different experiences and don't gain followers at all. We consider ourselves lucky to have been part of the first wave when Mastodon hit the media.

This place needs to be a counterpart to X and all the toxic corners that exist on the internet. Please preserve it and stay kind.

War and Peas 🧿

We do not understand how the algo works here. All we can say is that this platform has been good to us.

Parigot-Manchot φ

@warandpeas No algo here. Only timeline from your followers, like the basic one on Twitter.

Prentiss Riddle 🎛

@parigotmanchot @warandpeas

Nitpick: even a time-sorted linear list is technically an "algorithm". 🤪

Not a nitpick: federation and the mysteries of the "community" tab are as arcane as many an algorithm on some other social media platforms. When a creator says they don't completely undrrstand Mastodon, maybe that's what they mean.

Jan Adriaenssens

@warandpeas That's because everyone here on Mastodon likes peas, love and understanding! (Nothing funny about that.)


Glad to have you here. 👋
Happy to see you add alt text to your comics. ❤️
There is no algo here.

João Tiago Rebelo

@warandpeas the algo is the people that use the social network so, in a sense, it is a natural, living, breathing algorithm, it's a real connection between people that share common interests and interesting things amongst them, like your posts. Thank you for being here!


@warandpeas There is no algo, only what people like. Make of that what you will.


@Illuminatus @warandpeas is there a way to see posts sorted by favorites?


@Ports @warandpeas Do you mean to see your favourites or to see posts by number of faves received? The second option, I don't know, TBS.


@Ports @Illuminatus @warandpeas I use a combination of lists, pinned hashtags, and favorites to see posts that interest me. & my philosophy is if I read a post, boost that post, especially posts asking a question.

Paul Wilde
@warandpeas the algo works by... there is no algo :ablobsmile:
Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@warandpeas I suppose you know this, but for anyone actually wondering: The Algorithm is people on here. :blobcat:

There is no algorithm other than: people see what people they follow post and boost.

It is up to us, especially the ones with a large following on here, to be the algorithm we want to see in the world. It's up to us to boost and highlight others who we feel deserve more visibility. :purple_sparkling_heart:

Glad you're here, by the way, your comics of whimsy brighten my day. ✨

k4rizma🏳️‍⚧️Woman In Progress

Theres no demand now, for algo shit like twitter
Don’t need to understand, post all yo hits no babysitter

Marc Etienne

@warandpeas it's arranged purely by timeline. A few make lists like "comic creators" and add followed users there. Ivory for iOS/macOS is great for this.

And some idiots like me scroll through all 300+ posts per day.

María Arias de Reyna

@warandpeas The algorithm here is just that if people think you are awesome, they boost you so other people see you.

If people find you randomly in their following boosts and like you, they may boost you or follow you for more content.

As long as you generate good content and be respectful and a good person, you will grow.

Meritocracy at its best.


@warandpeas I'll tell you the secret:

There is no algorithm. The secret was in you all the time.



I'm really glad you're here and always curious about your comics!

I would love to share them again but now that I'm aware about the alt text missing in your pictures, I won't. Would you like to add it in the future? It's also possible to edit your older posts to add it. You might get a lot of boosts then. :)



Oh okay sorry. On my instance, we can see it with this feature, that's why.


@warandpeas @lila_bliblu the alt text feature also allows a poster to be more verbose with the entire post.


@warandpeas this is how the (human) algo works here: images with a descriptive alt text get boosted more than images without ;-)

Amy 🇹🇭

@warandpeas there's no algo here :P, people who discovered me mainly discovered me through #hashtags

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@warandpeas The algo here works this way:

You post the content (of your soul);
We like it (love it), we comment it (talk about it), we boost it (we pass it on for more eyes to see), some may subscribe;
We post things of our own;
And the cycle continues, everybody has lots of fun.

Here, that's the algo.
Some may find it a bit old-fashioned, but it's the best algo I know.



The driving force behind the difference here on #Mastodon is that there are no ads... and therefore no #algorithm (needed for tracking data to focus sales)... and therefore no divisive content & trolls being pushed into your feed, in order to increase screen time with anger-baiting & click-baiting.

Ad-based platforms inherently NEED divisiveness.

"No ads" means negative feed and trolls are not promoted.

For people who have only used centralized platforms, it doesn't make sense how things work out so well here. How could a #federated platform possibly police content without a corporate oligrach-overseer? Why is it not all porn and Nazis in the #Fediverse?

They don't understand that the system (mostly) polices itself, simply by not promoting destructive & dangerous content in the first place. There is no profit in promoting hate here.

#TheFediverse #TheFutureIsFederated


The driving force behind the difference here on #Mastodon is that there are no ads... and therefore no #algorithm (needed for tracking data to focus sales)... and therefore no divisive content & trolls being pushed into your feed, in order to increase screen time with anger-baiting & click-baiting.


@warandpeas That's the fun part, there is no algorithm!

Stephan Ischovits

Sounds like the credo of a new religion: "We don't know how it works, but the algo has been good to us!"
Thank God there is no so thing as an algorythm in the metaverse. :masto_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :masto_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

PJ Coffey


The more of a genuinely cool and authentic person you are, the more your replies get liked and boosted. Seems very well deserved in your case. :)


what algo?

also if you want you can check the source code for mastodon. most servers are probably using the same method


@warandpeas Same feedback here. It's a real breath of fresh air.

Meow :verified:

@warandpeas Mastodon is made possible by the ActivityPub protocol. This allows people to use other platforms like Pleroma, Akkoma, Misskey, and Firefish as well.

Chris Jolly Holcomb

@warandpeas the other side of this is it's not just on the artists but us as the audience we need to do our part. Follow more artists, boost their art, interact (pleasantly) with them. Because Mastodon does not do any of these things for us, it's just people.


@warandpeas I love your work, but could you post your comics with image descriptions? Speaking of inclusive, this would be really helpful. 💜

Niele 🦖


I second that 🥰
Today's #WarAndPeas comic from the newsletter was posted here with alt text, thanks!


Jeff Crump

@vancura @wurzelmann @warandpeas Add my name to the pile. Add those image descriptions!

Sandra Hoenle (she/her)

@warandpeas my experience has been much the same as yours. But I know not everyone has had a good experience here - and I really wish that were not the case. Stay kind people!


@warandpeas 'We are the algorithm that we seek' (apologies to Obama)


@warandpeas A pecefull Utopia, I think.
Make love, not X/War/Hait !

Maggie Maybe

@warandpeas I love this place because most people don’t do that weird toxic stuff for the algorithm, once they understand it doesn’t work for them here. All that “raise your hand” stuff, or the rage bait . . . the rage bait was the worst.


@warandpeas Resonates.

Having OFFICIALLY stopped posting on #Twitter, I'm now compiling #Tech & #UX issues for #Mastodon #Fediverse🔴

Some of it will rub @Mastodon & @Gargron the wrong way. But study my work & talk to me & you'll❤/buy me lunch!

As it is, I still need #ElonMusk's cesspool — why?

#iTHiNKLabs Research

❷ Mastodon Search is buggier than #X


Blind Spots + #COVID = Avoidable Deaths🔴

❹ Efficiency🟢

@warandpeas Resonates.

Having OFFICIALLY stopped posting on #Twitter, I'm now compiling #Tech & #UX issues for #Mastodon #Fediverse🔴

Some of it will rub @Mastodon & @Gargron the wrong way. But study my work & talk to me & you'll❤/buy me lunch!

As it is, I still need #ElonMusk's cesspool — why?

Church of Jeff

@warandpeas — be careful of users that put up their own mastodon instance so they can infiltrate the federated server list and spread their hate. Been seeing this a lot recently. Make sure to report so admins can defederate from them.

Dalyrceri (Ann B.)

@warandpeas I've noticed a kindness here that I've never seen on any social media site. Some sites aren't nasty or sarcastic, but the lack of snark isn't what I mean - there's actual, positive kindness here.

Mike Walsh

@warandpeas I agree 100%. My third day on it, and really enjoy it. And above all be kind.

Felipe :wyd:

@warandpeas "mastodon hit the media"
I'm yet to see that outside of tech focused news sites or the last paragraph on some long article about musk


@warandpeas my experience on @Mastodon may have been humble this far, but so too has it been a breath pf fresh air when compared to other recent social media experiences.


@warandpeas I’m still looking around and can already tell its better to be here regardless of follower count.

Justine S. Harrison

@warandpeas mastodon rly is chill and drama free in a way that’s the complete opposite of “X”

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