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Fedora Project

Fedora for Apple Silicon Macs!

@AsahiLinux and the Fedora Asahi SIG announced today at Flock that Fedora will soon be coming to Apple Silicon systems.

* Fedora Asahi Remix will be provided for Workstation and Server use cases.
* Fedora Asahi Remix will also become the flagship distribution of Asahi Linux!
* It's a Remix to keep faster development with the goal of eventually just being part of the editions.
#Fedora #AsahiLinux #FlockToFedora #FlockIreland #Linux


Michel Salim :fedora: :debian:

@fedora @AsahiLinux happy this is finally out! Congratulations to everyone who worked hard on this

Fedora Project

In addition, Fedora Discussion will become the new primary place for long-form discussion for all of Asahi Linux, not just the Fedora Asahi Remix!
#Fedora #AsahiLinux #FlockToFedora #FlockIreland #Linux

*New* Asahi Linux forum section:

Announcing migration to Fedora Discussion:

In addition, Fedora Discussion will become the new primary place for long-form discussion for all of Asahi Linux, not just the Fedora Asahi Remix!
#Fedora #AsahiLinux #FlockToFedora #FlockIreland #Linux

*New* Asahi Linux forum section:

Announcing migration to Fedora Discussion:


@fedora @AsahiLinux Thanks for the great work. I tried Asahi Linux on my work laptop in the past (though I sadly can't daily drive it yet).

As a Fedora Silverblue user on my main PC I wanted to ask if there are any plans for a Fedora Asahi Silverblue version for the immutable file system and rollback capabilities.


@fedora @AsahiLinux I was wondering: what are the future plans for the current Arch Linux ARM based setup?

Daniel Toman

@fedora @AsahiLinux big news! congrats on the partnership Asahi team. hope this ensures a sustainable path for Linux on Apple Silicon.


@fedora @AsahiLinux that's cool! I managed to make the arm flavour work, but it will be a lot easier your way. Thanks for sharing this 👍🏻

cameronbosch :endeavourOS:

@fedora @AsahiLinux Will the primary DE switch to GNOME or will there at least be a KDE Plasma spin?

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