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Introducing Betula v1.0.0!

Betula is a self-hosted single-user bookmarking software. Organize your collection with tags. Write descriptions and quotes. #IndieWeb microformats are produced.

Among changes:

1. Bookmarklet

2. Searching

3. Built-in documentation

4. Custom CSS

Full notes:

If you were delaying Betula installation, now is the perfect time!

1 comment

I got reports on failed installations with the installation method offered in the documentation.

Install Betula the following way instead:

git clone

cd betula

git checkout v1.0.0

CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -o betula ./cmd/betula

You would need Git, C and Go compilers for building the program. I will update the documentation accordingly later.

If you couldn't install Betula before, try now.

Thanks for letting me know!

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