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πŸ“£ Translators wanted!

Help us translate our new UI using

Special thanks to @NGIZero for sponsoring this endeavour! #pixelfed #l10n #translations #crowdin

Michael Zeevi

@pixelfed it's my first time on #crowdin and doing #translation. But it's so convenient that I'm nearly 50% done with #hebrew!

Tommi 🀯

@pixelfed @NGIZero

I am proud and happy to share that I completed the #l10n in Italian. Let’s hope that this will help the Italian #pixelfed user-base to increase!

Ariel Costas :galiza:

I'd appreciate if more Galician speakers could review my translations, and the issues were solved


Magess :heart_ace:

@pixelfed @NGIZero If you add a Scottish Gaelic translation to the list, I can try to get some volunteers for that.

Urtzi Odriozola :ahobizi:

@pixelfed @NGIZero Hi! Can you add the Basque language?? Thanks


I started a Korean translation job, but the string in the UI doesn't show up as a string in Crowdin and I can't find where the translation was applied.
Should I stop the translation task?

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