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Christine Lemmer-Webber

> Meta launched Threads, which will eventually be compatible with Mastodon’s ActivityPub, a competing standard to Bluesky’s AT Protocol

Remember when we standardized Mastodon's ActivityPub at the Mastodon Web Consortium? Really proud of that work

8 comments | Expand all CWs
Robert W. Gehl

@cwebber I remember, and I remember how hard you worked to do better than BlueSky

Christine Lemmer-Webber

@rwg That's right, we sat around in the meetings and said "but can we beat BlueSky's AT protocol, a protocol that does not exist yet by an organization that does not yet exist yet? how do we get enough market share, this is how we get all the ad money probably"

Robert W. Gehl

@cwebber Yes, and the miracle of it all was that you were given the resources and space to get it done years before the charter ended

Helle (@ CCC Camp 📞 4355)

@cwebber I want to give you a very big mallet to hit media with.

Les Orchard

@cwebber You got a prosthetic prehensile trunk grafted on in your enthusiasm for the work, if I recall

Andy :aglaceon: :teapot_blush: #RIPYassie

@cwebber I've never been happy an article was paywalled before.


@cwebber OTOH while activity pub is open, the specific things (fields? I guess) and quirks Mastodon uses do tend to have an heavy influence on other federated microblogging software, for the better and the worse, no?

Irenes (many)

@cwebber it's a frustrating asymmetry. some people try to cast themselves and/or their organizations as dramatic figures, for the sake of fame and fortune, at the expense of social change. anyone doing that has an advantage because the public LIKES drama and easily-understood narratives.

disseminating ideas for their own sake is inherently harder. it sucks.

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