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Tobia Alberti

I just compared route calculation speeds between #OsmAnd and @organicmaps for the same roughly 150 km route and the difference is pretty striking...

It took OsmAnd about 30 seconds to calculate the route while Organic Maps managed to do so in under 5 seconds.

Does anybody know why this is?

Organic Maps

@tobiaalberti because we care about the speed. Our maps format was designed for faster reads, rendering, search queries and routes. With enough resources we can make it work even faster. Note that slow SD cards can cause significant delays.

Tobia Alberti

@organicmaps I love OsmAnd's customisation and fine-grained controls, but when it comes to route calculation speeds (and even search speeds) it's really night and day.. ๐Ÿ™‚

I did my first test on an iPhone and just did a second one on an Apple Silicon Mac with a route that's around 340 km long:

It took OsmAnd about 55 seconds to calculate the route, compared to about 10 seconds for Organic Maps.

I guess I'll be adding Organic Maps to soon ๐Ÿ™ƒ


I loved OSMAnd, and used it for a long time, but the route calculation times were getting so long for cross country driving that they often wouldn't complete. The devs were uninterested - saying that's just how long routing takes on a phone.

Then I discovered @organicmaps - what a difference. Been using it for some time now, and although I miss a few features, I won't be going back.


@organicmaps @tobiaalberti
Not bad.
The app is globally no as fast, fluid and sexy as OrganicMaps, but it does a good job.

In fact, I prefer MagicEarth in car, and I prefer OrganicMaps on foot.
(In car, I find the automatic zoom and indications of MagicEarth easier to read than OrganicMaps)

Tobia Alberti

@organicmaps Quick question: When sharing a location, whatโ€™s the purpose of the second link (the one that starts with โ€œom://โ€œ)?

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