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malena 👟👟

Casual users might not know that each server “fediblocks” some other servers for safety. many of us use shared lists of bad servers to block that we manually upload.

What I’ve seen suggested (and what I believe mastodon is working on) is making these fediblock lists *part of our moderation interface* so we all use the same system.

Which tier we use plus how well we enforce our own rules could earn us a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ safety rating that could also be at least partially generated by user reviews

malena 👟👟

it’s ok for many of us to use a safety tier that has trade offs, as long as we consent to these trade offs at sign up. For example, I’m comfortable federating with mainstream media who are often problematic (NYT or BBC for example) and believe the benefits out weigh the costs. For me, the relative loss in safety is worth the trade off of being able to have a direct relationship with the news source. That kind of trade off should be named and listed in my server’s safety rating

Amy (she/her/hers) what about in the cases where, say, you have a server which only blocks at fediblock level (low n) but blocks a lot of other instances independently (that aren't in fediblock yet but that are problematic)?

Amy (she/her/hers) user reviews are really, really hard to make into a consistent standard, unfortunately

Serval I agree that we need more transparent instance policies and moderation, but I disagree on a star rating system. New users would naturally gravitate to the five stars because obviously they want the best. But just because a server blocks more instances and is technically safer does not mean is better. If a new user joined an instance and then tried to follow BBC and could not they would likely get frustrated unless it was clearly laid out what the star rating means. In which case we should just lay out what the instance blocks in a clear format instead of trying to reduce it to a misleading star system. I agree that we need more transparent instance policies and moderation, but I disagree on a star rating system. New users would naturally gravitate to the five stars because obviously they want the best. But just because a server blocks more instances and is technically safer does not mean is better. If a new user joined an instance and then tried to follow BBC and could not they would likely get frustrated unless it was clearly laid out what the star rating means. In which...

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