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Mr. Completely

@J12t fwiw making accessible web forms isn't really all that hard if you have the right tool set for it. This is my area of professional expertise. Far from disagreeing with you, I agree most web forms are dreadfully inaccessible; my point is that this is inexcusable, because making accessible forms just requires making that a priority and investing resources in developing the tools and expertise. So when people don't do that, it's a clear signal of their priorities.

Johannes Ernst

@mrcompletely IMHO it's worse than that: they don't work for anybody! And nobody has even attempted to work on that. If I can copy-paste form labels and draft answers into a text document, edit the text document till I'm happy, and then copy the content manually again into the web form, so can a browser. Could if somebody wrote a couple hundred lines of code.

Mr. Completely

@J12t would you like to say more about how that would work for you ideally? As I said, this is my professional area. I design and lead dev teams making software specifically for specialized web form authoring. We have high accessibility standards and pass strict audits, but we're always looking for new ideas. Clearly you've thought about this so I'd enjoy hearing more

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