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Dare Obasanjo

Found an incredibly useful app for finding people to follow on Mastodon. It crawls your social graph then finds the people who your followers follow the most that you don't follow.

Kye Fox

@carnage4life I am extremely not going to use a data harvesting app made by someone working at Facebook and strongly recommend against it for others.


@Kye fam, the app uses totally public data your instance provides anyone. It doesn’t ask for a token, it doesn’t authenticate with your instance, it won’t work if you/your instance/your follows/their instances hide social graph. It has nothing to do with Facebook or data harvesting.

I strongly value privacy and avoiding targeted advertising, but I fear that if you don’t accurately discern what’s a real threat vs harmless, your risk assessment is going to weaken.


@22 @Kye @carnage4life So does every aggregation site. Sorry, not sorry, but enough public data in one spot all sorted out for ease of consumption becomes creepy. I'm with Kye on this one; the whole point of Fedi is organic growth, not algorithmic curation.

You've been around long enough to have heard the arguments against this stuff before. Fedi has long resisted scrapers and social graphing because of the abuse potential. The issue is privacy, not security.


@bluestarultor so my comment was mainly about the somewhat ad hominem claim that one shouldn’t use a tool made by a Meta employee and that therefore it had to be data harvesting.

You’re raising the broader question of whether Followgraph is in general a bad thing. Hmm, so if I’m reading you correctly, there are a few distinct pieces here:

1. “Public aggregation of public data is creepy.” I’m sympathetic to this. I wrestled with this when I added the feature to my Mastodon client to let you jump to someone’s oldest toots and scroll “newer” from there, there was a real worry that making it easy to do this would widen the abuse surface area. But I feel that that’s why Fedi apps including Mastodon give you tools like (1) follow requests, (2) auto-delete toots, (3) hide follower graph, (4) opt out of search engines, etc., to control how much is public, I made the decision (perhaps wrong) that tooling to more easily slice and dice public data was acceptable, and why I’m fine with Followgraph.
2. “We’ve always done it this way, part 1: scraping is bad.” I’m not going to go here since it has nothing to do with Followgraph and because the issue with being asked to crawl that instance shutting down was… horrific in many compounding ways.
3. “We’ve always done it this way, part 2: organic discovery is good, anything else is bad.” I have little sympathy for this. Which is weird because, I personally like organic discovery, and likely the reason I’ve stayed on Octodon is because others there like organic discovery too, but I don’t think I ever thought that was normative. I don’t think it was some spiritual thing holding back the creation of Followgraph until now (“back in my day…!”), it’s just with a lot more users there’s a lot more divergent workflows and use cases, and talent to make new tooling.

But that’s just my personal view. I don’t think you or Kye are silly for having your views and avoiding Followgraph—diversity is strength. I personally found Followgraph’s analysis of my graph predictable, like, “yup I don’t follow that account for a reason”. But I’m not a normal social media user either (cf., above-mentioned Mastodon client/my pinned toot).
@Kye @carnage4life

@bluestarultor so my comment was mainly about the somewhat ad hominem claim that one shouldn’t use a tool made by a Meta employee and that therefore it had to be data harvesting.

You’re raising the broader question of whether Followgraph is in general a bad thing. Hmm, so if I’m reading you correctly, there are a few distinct pieces here:


@22 @Kye @carnage4life @bluestarultor Am I understading your argument correctly? You are OK that the information is out there, but you have a problem if someone looks?

It's completely OK to resist the creation of these tools from the point of view of organic growth instead of recommendations made by a tool. But making this a privacy issue is a bit misleading. Mastodon has controls to prevent sharing of your social graph, I think what you are trying to argue for is that the default should be not to share your graph. If that indeed is the case, I recommend you file an issue with mastodon and collect your arguments there.

@22 @Kye @carnage4life @bluestarultor Am I understading your argument correctly? You are OK that the information is out there, but you have a problem if someone looks?

It's completely OK to resist the creation of these tools from the point of view of organic growth instead of recommendations made by a tool. But making this a privacy issue is a bit misleading. Mastodon has controls to prevent sharing of your social graph, I think what you are trying to argue for is that the default should be not to...



How has Fediverse tools like Mastodon resisted data aggregation? It seems like it was designed to leverage aggregation as each federated instance is designed to aggregate data of it's accounts.

@22 @Kye @carnage4life


@ericjmorey To un-tag a few people, scrapers are generally frowned upon because they're tools of _3rd party_ aggregation. It's like how you know the people in your own neighborhood, but you wouldn't expect someone from across the country to take an interest in everyone.

There's simple aggregation and then there's analysis and curation, which I think is more the implication of an online aggregator these days and maybe a limitation of my language. Data vs. information.


That doesn't address the question at all. Mastodon doesn't seem to do much at all to prevent data aggregation. It seems to facilitate it.


@ericjmorey It aggregates like a phone book, but not like a census. You can find someone in a phone book easy. Connecting them to their family and neighbors is possible, but much, much harder. A census does that connecting.

I can follow anyone on Fedi, but tracking that down for dozens to form a social web would make the average person question why I put forth the effort. I don't like that being given at the push of a button.

Evolving Kirt

@Kye @carnage4life

security worried me too … how does it work?

Kathy Andrew

@carnage4life Thanks for this!! Makes it easy whether or not to follow.

Steven Bodzin

@carnage4life this is a centralizing app. It promotes the winner-take-all internet that drives me batty. All of my top results are overexposed big stars who never respond to a comment, and 5 of the top 6 are white men. I'm using but it requires pickiness!

EDIT: I think I figured out how to use this: Start at the bottom of the list. The ones on top are all people you've heard of and if you're not following them, it's probably on purpose. But lower down there are some great finds. Thank you!


@carnage4life not sure I need anything 'crawling my social graph', but thanks for being upfront on what it does.
Any idea where else it sends that data to?


@MdPoppa @carnage4life I don’t know if this stores any data, but worth noting that the info this leverages is already publicly accessible by anyone through public APIs - you’re not giving permission, you’re just telling it who to extract from the available data.

Howlin’ Hobbit

@carnage4life added 5 folks to my following list. all interesting, most I follow elsewhere. didn’t get through the whole list of suggestions.

Karthik Hariharan

@carnage4life It's awesome, I especially like the idea of cherry picking some of the accounts rather than mass adding every account it finds.

I'd like to re-examine whatever echo-chamber I'd built up over the years at Twitter.

scott f

@carnage4life Wow, no privacy policy, and nothing in the FAQ about why we should trust them with this info? That's kind of alarming, even if the tool promises to be useful.


@scott @carnage4life

You're not really trusting them with any info that isn't hanging out in public already:

"This app uses public APIs to fetch potential people you can follow on Mastodon. In fact, it only does inauthenticated network requests to various Mastodon instances."

I'd imagine there are probably lots of people out there trying to scrape various instances and build up giant social graphs of Mastodon users, this one just lets you see your own.

Mark Atwood

@scott @carnage4life the info is already public. You may notice that you don't have to authenticate the app to your instance.

😱 Brian Morearty

@carnage4life Followgraph suggests that I follow 😱 Brian Morearty because nine people that I follow also follow him.


Peiran Tan

@carnage4life @Niloufar new ownership structure calls for new interface forms


@carnage4life Prima app, veel nieuw te volgen tooters gevonden.


@carnage4life this is cool and is a good reminder I want to put my city in my profile.


@carnage4life great, a tool to magnify demographic inequities. what could possibly go wrong?


@carnage4life works very well though I wish it provided a metric for frequency of posting (ideally over the last 30 days) and maybe an inverse sort.


@borisschapira tu ne cherchais pas un truc comme ça l'autre jour ?

Kevin Marks

@carnage4life it found people that I do follow (including myself)

Kevin Marks

@carnage4life the other problem with this kind of tool is that it is a good way to find your exes and the missing stairs in your groups.

Jake Orlowitz

@carnage4life I wish it would auto-follow the results or generate a list to import. As of now, you have to click each one!

Jürgen Hubert

@carnage4life Interesting, but it would be more useful if you could filter by maximum follower count. I'm more interested in finding users with fewer followers but similar interests rather than Mega-Accounts with 10K+ followers.


@carnage4life Thanks! This was great. Boosted.

Joanna Bryson, blathering

@carnage4life My algorithm for this is following people my followees boost :-)


@carnage4life This is one of the coolest things about the Fediverse is folks are constantly creating dohickeys like these to fold into your experience…

Ondine B.

@carnage4life I am not the biggest fan of "following the most followed" but I tried it and there were some good suggestions to follow. I think it's fine for when we're reconstructing our social graph, but I also enjoy checking people's profiles randomly to find new folks that aren't necessarily popular between my followings but that post interesting things. :)


@carnage4life nuts, I should have released the one I wrote for the bird site a couple years ago. Unfortunately, I wound up having to delete my account because it went haywire and followed so many people that my feed was unusable

junho8 someone needs to make a Misskey version of this lol


I'm excited by regrowing my network organically.

@carnage4life Unfortunately does not seem to support non-Mastodon instances.
Dirty Hippie

@carnage4life I prefer (as it allows you to migrate your mutes and blocks as well, which seems overly necessary in these current times.)


I tried this app twice. Both times it found over 150 matches. The first time, I clicked on follow and it took me to that person's M profile, closed the app, and deleted my M history. The second time, I clicked follow and it froze the app. To unfreeze it, I had to navigate back. Follow was not achieved. Eventually it repeated scenario 1.

Rich Stein (he/him)

@carnage4life Attn: @mattblaze — 👆 Try running Followgraph, to find your "follows' follows". May give you some of that news commentary/analysis that you mentioned as missing from this site.

Joshua Newton

@carnage4life super useful, thanks for sharing! Makes the transition over a lot easier

Josh Wold

@carnage4life I was just looking for something like this!


@carnage4life This is great! Just found a bunch of people I used to follow on the birdsite that weren't here when I joined, glad to find them again :)

Dan Kennedy

@jztusk @carnage4life No, but it looks cool and I just bookmarked it. Thanks!

Verwechslungsgefährte 🍿


Why should I follow whose posts get boosted by my follows anyway? (2nd order, sorted by indegree)

I'd rather like to know to which largest subgraph I share hashtags with, I don't follow yet. (lowest connectivity, sorted by indegree)


kari hoffman

@carnage4life @lcparra @cogneurophys #neuroscience 📣 🪭 🧨 Bringing this post back for an encore for no particular reason (turns head, coughs blue feathers).

I discovered there were some people I thought I was following, but it turns out, I wasn’t. Handy dandy tool!


@carnage4life This discussion may be moot - as of 7/26/23, this no longer seems to return any results. Or possibly closed off necessary APIs. If so, I think I made the right server choice


@carnage4life @asymco Useful but also confirms just how white male centric Mastodon is. Can’t wait for Threads to join the fediverse so I can follow other people.

Jonathan Wight

@carnage4life there’s a reason I don’t follow those people though.

Preslav Rachev

@carnage4life if you are into #Fediverse tools, you should come give @murmel_social a try. One email a day with the best stories from your timeline (like good old Nuzzel did for Twitter back in the day): https//



Ok, be honest. This just connects everyone to Kevin Bacon, right?

Dr. Heather Etchevers

@carnage4life Thank you, this is just what I needed to prioritize efficiently!

Martin Ruskov

@carnage4life Doesn't work for me, at least currently. It does say "try again later as Mastodon may throttle requests"

Karl Schwartz, Artist advocate

@carnage4life Thank you. It's interesting, useful ... but my rule of thumb: if you don't understand it fully and how it might be misused .... and don't need to use it: leave it out.


@lymphomation @carnage4life Interesting.
The majority of the list this produces are people I recall seeing post before as they have been boosted by someone I do follow.

Not sure what the 9 'errors' I get signify. All but one are 'can't find handle' that one is "Error while retrieving followers for".
And they are for people I follow whose posts I've seen recently. Maybe their profiles are unlisted for search?

Stanley Q Woodvine

@carnage4life Sounds like it does for Mastodon what the currated "For You" tab does for #XTwitter. Eek!

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