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Doug Warren

@alisca "You will all be given jobs and uniformly provided with only the bare minimum to maintain you in good mental and physical health. Furthermore, education to teach you useful skills and true facts about the universe will be compulsory."


"I don't think this translator is working right, these are all bad things."


@DougWar40k "we will force you to work until 50 years old"

Is this even ON

Mike P

@alisca @DougWar40k "None of you will be permitted to occupy privileged positions. All of your voices will be treated equally when determining policy."

Cyber Yuki

@alisca @DougWar40k "We will destroy your primitive transport infrastructure and replace it with mass transit; we will also strip you of your fossil fuels and confiscate all your golf courses to build our energy plants instead."

All hail the aliens!!! :blobcheer:


@yuki2501 @alisca @DougWar40k

with escalators ...

... build energy plants off of your roofs, lawns and streets ...

... to build mobile parks


@yuki2501 @alisca @DougWar40k That reminds me of when Japan and Italy adopted anti-war constitutions because they had been defeated in WW2

Maggie Maybe

@yuki2501 @alisca @DougWar40k I was all for only mass transit until covid. Now it seems kind of ablest doesn’t it? If I had to take a bus to go to the doctor I wouldn’t be going to the doctor. It’s bad enough I’m forced to be exposed there.


@maggiemaybe @yuki2501 @alisca @DougWar40k Ideally there should be affordable options for all needs. :) There are still plenty of abled people for whom it would be less risky to drive a bus or a train instead of their huge 4 seater SUV they only use solo every day though.


@maggiemaybe @yuki2501 @alisca @DougWar40k For that issue there are usually parking spots reserved for people with disabilities. In this sense, there's a big difference between a necessity (the mobility of everyone, especially that of people with disabilities) and a vice (worsening one's health due to pollution and lack of exercise). If we choose the former, there can be abundance for all of us. With the latter, even air is too scarce

Gemma 👽

@alisca @DougWar40k
"In all honesty, we did not expect you to be so thrilled about being taken over by aliens..."

*cheering stops*

"...from the planet Breqdulon."

*cheering continues louder, hats are thrown in the air*

Süßes Bienchen

@DougWar40k @alisca
It's a kind of dictatorship, sorry, not for me.
No applause from me, but yes, mentally challenged people will love it.

Mia Knox🏳️‍🌈❄️👑

Why are you calling people with another opinion as yours, mentally challenged? If I only have taken your profil into account, I would have red you as a seemingly nice person, agree with most of your points in your profile, but now I have the slight suspicion, that you only live up to your words, as long people act like you want them to & on the same time you're reproducing ableistic patterns by openly calling others mentally challenged in an insulting way.


@DougWar40k @alisca

Süßes Bienchen

@MiaKnox @DougWar40k @alisca
Meant: You work and get nothing for it. No job selection either.
Then who may sing or become an actor to entertain us?
No one! It's like the Taliban, destroying musical instruments. mandatory.
Yes, only one lesson is imparted, also no choice.
It sounds like camps where you don't have a choice.
Similar to North Korea, that's where the trip should go?
And yes, simple minds want that, Trump fans, Nazis, former GDR residents, etc...

Süßes Bienchen

@MiaKnox @DougWar40k @alisca
They don't want anything colorful, nothing different, nothing extraordinary.
Do you really want to live like this?
Someone tells you what to do and you get a bowl of soup for it.
Great world right?

Not really.

Why not live in Freedom?

Simple thinking people, no pressure, just dutifully obedient.
The best soldiers for a false ideology.

Mia Knox🏳️‍🌈❄️👑

It is a joke, ment to point out flaws in our society, communicate a sort resignation and connecting people via a common feeling. You could have said something like: "sorry I don't find that funny" and it would have been cool. Instead you add an insult to your opinion, disregarding others. Is your own self-esteem and trust in your opinion so low, that you feel urged to lift yourself up through pushing people down?
@DougWar40k @alisca

Süßes Bienchen

@MiaKnox @DougWar40k @alisca
Dictatorships are like that.
I'm sorry to have hurt your feelings.
I feel superior to Nazis.
Did you forget Capitol on January 6th?
There was also an attempt in Germany.
Of course it's a joke with the alien, but a little reference to the acclaimed system throws you off track?
Nazis are mentally ill.
They suppress those who think differently, so why not the other way around?
If you are maga, then I understand your concern.

Süßes Bienchen

@MiaKnox @DougWar40k @alisca
And remember with your rainbow flag, you're a target of them, so be glad that many oppose it.

Mia Knox🏳️‍🌈❄️👑

@Sweetbee I am well aware what that means, believe me, but you are not answering the question i asked, instead dancing around your misbehavior.
Why are you insulting people?
It's just not okay.
You can say anything you want to say, that doesn't threatens someone or insults them.
And yet despite your welcoming presentation you reproducing the problem.
Don't you see the mistake in this?
This isn't about fascism, it's about you being abelistic and insulting.

@DougWar40k @alisca

@Sweetbee I am well aware what that means, believe me, but you are not answering the question i asked, instead dancing around your misbehavior.
Why are you insulting people?
It's just not okay.
You can say anything you want to say, that doesn't threatens someone or insults them.
And yet despite your welcoming presentation you reproducing the problem.
Don't you see the mistake in this?
This isn't about fascism, it's about you being abelistic and insulting.


@MiaKnox @DougWar40k @alisca Dude's an angry, humorless, self-righteous troll. They tend to live in their parent's basements & exist on both sides of the political spectrum. Their 1st post was your signal to block & move on.

Süßes Bienchen

@MiaKnox @DougWar40k @alisca
I don't know if its the translation or what.
But you didn't understand me.
Well i think we can stop now.
It doesn't make sense to continue in this way.

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