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Once had a quick conversation with a Libertarian who apparently thought, "But who would build the roads?" is the funniest question.

They all laugh about it.

"Duh, before governments people built roads all the time."

Yeah, paved deer tracks and toll roads run by profiteers?

But my question is, what if there's a toll road that costs $5000 to cross it?

*smug Libertarian looks at one another* "Well, that's called competition someone else just builds another road and charges $3000 instead."

Oh, yes, hmm, indeed, truly you have an enlightened political philosophy ready to run the world. Let me see if I get this straight.

My option, when crossing through your mountain road through the only available mountain pass if I can't afford to pay--is to wait for someone to--what? Hollow out a fucking mountain?

And my reward waiting for all of this blasting and drilling and infrastructure is someone with a road that costs $3000 to pass?

And if I don't like that...what? Are we tunneling under the earth now, or are we just deciding we're not allowed on the other side of that fucking mountain?

Go back to school, put your crayons away, and get back to me with smug jokes when you've put more than five seconds of thought into your "political philosophy."

You just don't want to care about other people or acknowledge they exist, and you still want to keep profiting off of their desperation, and you've somehow invented something even worse than our current disaster; so you can go eat your ass ear-first.


"It wouldn't cost $5000, it would cost whatever the market would bear"

I'm gonna bring a bear down on your ass, alright.

The world of libertarians is a crypto tollbooth.


It's honestly the funniest part about the whole 'buying good real estate in the metaverse' scam - the only way to make it worth something is to make the whole experience for the end users a complete nightmare where they're forced to trudge through endless blocks of wasteland to get to the low-rent areas where the cool stuff is.

Gelt-Seeking Gastropod 🐚


Crypto.tollbooth is my new instance name! Or band name. Or food cart name. Whatever. I can tell it'd just do huge numbers around here. πŸ€‘


@xenophora It's like "The Phantom Tollbooth" but way less interesting, and it costs another 3 $FUCK coins to read the next page.

Gelt-Seeking Gastropod 🐚


As a born-but-relocated Jersey-ite, I'd also submit that the existence of the tollbooth suggests that we also need to copyright "Phantom Turnpike."


@xenophora I just realized my next name change. Cheers. :D

Gelt-Seeking Gastropod 🐚


If Uncle Floyd used Fedi, I just know that he'd approve. :da_salute:



πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

I got all the way to the bottom of your post thinking "that's the dumbest librarian I've ever heard of. Maybe I misread something."

I did.

πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚


@Hawkwinter I am definitely NOT coming after librarians. :D



That said - I wish the government would stop wasting so much money on roads.

There should be 0 freeways. What an ungodly waste of taxpayer dollars.


@Hawkwinter You know what I learned recently?

Freeways were created in the US primarily so that the US military could quickly move equipment from one side of the country to the other.

Also, they wanted high speed networks created for communication purposes and at least one point in the 80s there was talk of laying fiber-optic cable down the median of the interstate to link everything together.

(Not sure if that ever happened, but it would make sense.)

You essentially have nationalized infrastructure, arteries that connect everything and while it has advantages for commerce, etc, my understanding is that the primary purpose was military logistics.

@Hawkwinter You know what I learned recently?

Freeways were created in the US primarily so that the US military could quickly move equipment from one side of the country to the other.

Also, they wanted high speed networks created for communication purposes and at least one point in the 80s there was talk of laying fiber-optic cable down the median of the interstate to link everything together.

theh eck

@oliphant @Hawkwinter They also placed them deliberately to destroy Black neighborhoods using eminent domain and called it "urban renewal"! Fun history.

Jeremy in the blue house.

@theheck @oliphant @Hawkwinter well, a lot of "them" was local powers directing the federal funding. While the feds were anything but innocent, I still lay a slight majority of the blame on municipal and state-level power brokers.


@theheck @oliphant

That I did not know πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ . Gross.


@theheck @Hawkwinter That is very much true about North Minneapolis. A thriving black community, now cut off from the rest of the city when they put a highway right through it.


@oliphant @theheck


Mastodon *REALLY* needs to start to support xKey emoji reactions. A star is too ambiguous.

theh eck

@Hawkwinter It is but I just treat it like either an agreement or acknowledgement of what someone said

Gwen the Trans Balrog

@oliphant @Hawkwinter
Modeled after the autobahn built by, wait for it, Nazis! Eisenhower saw the roads in Germany and made it his mission to recreate them in the US for essentially the same reasons Hitler initially okayed them: military transport. Sure, they sell them as great for commerce etc. but yeah, you're entirely correct.

NoctisEqui πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡΅πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ή

@oliphant @Hawkwinter

Actually by the time Eisenhower was president and passed the national highways acts, the war was over. Furthermore most of the war traffic, machines and troops was moved by rail, not by road. Freeways were a give-away to the oil, rubber & steel industries.



You know what else could transport all those things? Train tracks.

Save a ton of money in maintenance every year.

Need to move your car somewhere far away? pay a fee to load it on a train car, sit in your car until you arrive at the destination, enjoy the view.

I'm not saying national infrastructure is bad. I just think freeways are bad national infrastructure.

Rob Ricci

@oliphant The best analogy I've heard for libertarians is that they are like housecats: a fiercely independent attitude, while utterly failing to understand the systems on which they depend completely.


Don’t worry. The bears will get them long before they build any roads.


@oliphant If that Libertarian paid attention to history they’d know literal wars have occurred over that hypothetical. Like it’s so common there are children’s fables about that exact thing.


@oliphant Roads before government? I'm sure archaeologists would be interested in that insight, considering how early certain forms of governments have arisen in human history.
Also, is truly the enemy of any Libertarian, it seems: It just does not fit into their world that topographical space can not be produced.
Oh, and also: I doubt this world of him would have any currency. The US dollar is government-issued, after all.

Jeremy in the blue house.

@oliphant q: how many libertarians does it take to stop a panzer division?
A: none, the free market will take care of it!

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