@lightsong @luckytran
you, we, us; shouldn't feel hopeless. corps may be the easiest to deal with. if we stop buying their products then they have no money and go away. I know that is easier said than done but we need to do it.
buy local and eat in season;
learn to fix stuff,
if it can't be fix, replace it with something that can be fixed.
learn to grow food.
learn to cook food.
help your neighbor and dont charge them, just help them.
We can do it, we have to.
#slowFood #eatLocal #fixIt
@mral @lightsong @luckytran
Sometimes it's not about learning. Not everyone has a yard to grow their own food. And not everyone has enough time to cook.
Also if they don't have money, they'll be subsidized by the government until everyone tires and gets back to the convenience they provide. If need be, it will be illegal to grow your own food or fix your own stuff.
It'll also take more time than we have on our hands before it's too late.
That's why I don't believe this is a viable solution.