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Eniko | Kitsune Tails out now!

i want a girl with a short skirt and an int64_t jacket

Kaylee ♡

@eniko I’m cringe-laughing very hard (it hurts)


@eniko depending on your religion that is either a long jacket or a signed long long jacket. Or worse, a DWORD jacket.
So, what's your preference? :P

Eniko | Kitsune Tails out now!

@dequbed i was going for long long, personally. since it's a looooooonnnnnnng jacket in the song, and that's not just long, that's definitely long long


@eniko I am still disappointed that C sorta stopped with two repetitions. I want my byte to be a signed short short, and my nibble to be an unsigned short short short. And why is my 128-bit integer not long long long? :blobcatangry:

dressupgeekout 🦓

@eniko There's a joke with "I want a girl with the right allocations" and malloc() but I'm not clever enough to come up with it


@dressupgeekout @eniko malloc()ations works fine innit

She is optimized, and linted, and sharp as a tack.

Mister Dave Gets Weird

@eniko uint? i'm pondering the implications of the negative portion of the jacket range.


@eniko This is the funniest, geekiest Cake reference I've ever seen.


@eniko I'd feel bad for her on this cold day, I'd just give her my jacket so she can be warm even though her skirt won't make her feel that way.


@eniko Then again, I wonder why people would wear such short clothing, not because its bad, but because I personally worry about possibly falling while outside and possible not having the armor enough to avoid getting hurt.

Daniil Baturin

@eniko Depending on its value, it may completely overshadow the short skirt, defeating the point...

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