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Evora (sad girl hours)

@kkarhan @karolherbst @ShadowJonathan even with parabolic mirrors and gutters you’d still need infrastructure to clean the mirrors. That requires water either through transport or generation. We see this in all current generation solar thermal plants.

Also, you most definitely CAN build floating off shore wind generation. In fact there are already 3 floating off shore wind farms. Here is an example one.

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Kevin Karhan :verified:

@empressEvora @karolherbst @ShadowJonathan

You can just dimension and gematrically design said mirror gutters to not accumulate much sand if said particles are just flowing away.

OFC one shouldn't try to build a solarthermal powerplant on top of shifting dunes - that would be stupid.

The majority of desert is rocky tho, so maintenance should be minimal if not lower than photovoltaic panels since those would likely have fine sand sticking to the glass and said glass gets scratched up...

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