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The latest news on the climate crisis have surprisingly motivated me to take action instead of just pushing me down a depression hole, sure I still feel so much about it, especially grief but I feel like building and maintaining local community and gathering the skills and tools to weather the catastrophic changes is the big priority.


@ritualdust I'd be genuinely interested to hear the actions you've taken so far, and plan to take in the future. I struggle with the same sort of constant anxiety and depression for what's to come. Despite knowing action is key, I just don't know what I'm supposed to do.


@oleiade I get that so much. The main thing has been finding my people, people who share the same values, are aware that things are dire and whom i can trust and rely on. Also showing up for these people. I'm also preparing a go bag and an emergency bag with a good selection of supplies and getting to know how to use them / being able to teach people how to use them. Other than that I've been researching low tech solution for a lot of basic stuff for which we depend on tech or electricity now.


@oleiade the people who keep me sane in the whole noise that's out there in the media (including a bunch of bs like green tech and carbon offsets stuff) have been Beau of the fifth column and Margaret Killjoy

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