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The Blobject Fish

@dulanyw @camstonefaux @mcc From my POV it's just the smartphone business model applied to computers. Designed to fail, it'll be obsolete in a few years when it can't run modern apps even if you can still make calls etc. Planned obsolescence to keep people chasing the newest thing.

Dulanyheimer in IMAX

@blubfeesh @camstonefaux @mcc Absolutely. And electronics (on average) don't last forever. I just wish something that schools are pouring *billions* into lasted longer than a few years because of *software*.

Faux around & find out🦊🍸

@mcc @dulanyw @blubfeesh Heresy! Next you’ll want it to be an upgradable frameworx laptop…. hold on a minute… did I just say what I think I said?

The Blobject Fish

@camstonefaux @mcc @dulanyw Legit considering one if I ever come into money again lol

Do wish it came in colors other than silver though, maybe if they get popular enough eventually they'll see a thriving aftermarket like the Steam Deck has.

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