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Coralie Renée

@inkscape soooo I can hope?
Krita is on my tablet... (it's very hard to use compare to hipaint, a clone with less functionalities than procreate) but with inkscape i would be able to do great things though...

Petit Lutin

I would also use an Android version of Inkscape on my Samsung S7! :blobaww:
(I've been using Krita for illustrations on it for 2 years now)

Coralie Renée

@Petit_Lutin @inkscape how do you manage to use it? (The buttons are small yet it féls very crowded)
I wish there were a workspace with the basic essential or a layout that was ui friendly. 🙏

Petit Lutin

@globcoco I also used to think the buttons were too small. They indeed decreased in size for the undo/redo buttons: this bugged me at first but this came with new finger gestures : tap with 2 fingers to undo, tap with 3 fingers to redo. Tapping with one finger shows the wheel with brushes (where I put my favorites): I never used it on desktop because I had a shortcut on my tablet for switching brushes, but I find it really useful on touch screen!
I hope it helped :neko_smiley:


@globcoco I also used to think the buttons were too small. They indeed decreased in size for the undo/redo buttons: this bugged me at first but this came with new finger gestures : tap with 2 fingers to undo, tap with 3 fingers to redo. Tapping with one finger shows the wheel with brushes (where I put my favorites): I never used it on desktop because I had a shortcut on my tablet for switching brushes, but I find it really useful on touch screen!
I hope it helped :neko_smiley:

Coralie Renée

@Petit_Lutin @inkscape it definitely does! Thank you.
Another question: Beside putting the workspace in view mode, is it possible to have an uncrowded set up?

Petit Lutin


You mean, besides being in the full screen mode? (I dont use it)
Yes there is a way to reduce the interface dockers, by toggleing the button in the bottom left of the screen.
It is not much visible on photos but it still makes a difference IRL.
Hope I answered your question correctly :)

Coralie Renée

@Petit_Lutin @inkscape okay. This is very simple but it helps tremendously.
How do you manage to get the size of the brush when the wheel appears, without having a button "select all" poping up every time?

Petit Lutin

@globcoco I'm not sure to understand: you want to change the size of the current brush, right?
I keep the "size of the brush" slider visible. I think it is by default, in case it's not it's in Settings > Configure toolbars > BrushesAndStuff > Cursor [number] of brush options, and I think you can choose between size, opacity, and flow.

Coralie Renée

@Petit_Lutin I didn't see the "BrushesAndStuff > Cursor [number] of brush options," 😜
Mine is in English mais je pourrais aussi le changer en français pour mieux comprendre. 😁

Le truc c ke j'ai sur le cursor de la taille ce popup qui m'empêche de faire bouger... le cursor.

Je suis plus claire en français ?

Petit Lutin

Apparemment c'est "brush option slider" le vrai nom.

Pour le reste, je ne sais pas, désolée.

Coralie Renée replied to Petit

@Petit_Lutin c super et c pas grave. Merci bcp pour ton partage et ton aide super précieuse 🤗

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