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Lesley Carhart :unverified:

This lady on the radio just said the way to get free booze at the bar is to look for the most pretentious looking guy and offer to buy him a drink and threaten his ego, and you know I’m all over that shit, this weekend. For science.

The Bitch King of Angmar :verified_trans:

@hacks4pancakes Need to figure out how to look pretentious. And like a guy quick. For research purposes.

Darrin West

@hacks4pancakes …but the ongoing cost of that “free” drink…

Stephen Hoffman

@hacks4pancakes Drunken Bob, the theory of Bob-osmosis, and the bar that was impossible to become falling-down drunj within... that was a free show.

This... This seems closer to firearms, water-filled barrels, and fish; unchallenging.



Shows what I know. I was thinking, if I'm an egomaniac, wouldn't gals buying me drinks stoke my ego? Like F-yeah, I'm so awesome the chicks buy ME drinks.


@nimbus5000 @hacks4pancakes i reckon this is like the division between “men who say they would like more compliments” and mean it, and men who say that but get upset if they get them from another man

Karsten Johansson

@hacks4pancakes I was thinking if the target was pretentious me (I wear many hats), I would buy you a drink before you had a chance to attack.

But d'oh! Then you already won, and my ego is then pre-threatened! 🤬

Diabolical in its simplicity!

Mark :v_pan:

@hacks4pancakes I’ve read this several times, and I think it’s a compliment that no one offers to buy me a drink… but in a sad way 🤷🏻😂

Kudos for doing it for science though 👍🏻

Jon Renaut

@hacks4pancakes like, "you look kinda sad and lonely, can I buy you a drink?"

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@ebooksyearn I’m not sure even that part is necessary with that ego, but it’s implied

Jon Renaut

@hacks4pancakes I think this is quite risky but wish you the best in obtaining free drinks

A Cyber Expert

Great research!

Can you also please slide this into your research.

“To what extent do you agree with this statement: ‘I am a narcissist.’ (Note: The word ‘narcissist’ means egotistical, self-focused and vain.)” Scale of 1 to 10

Sara Konrath, Brian P. Meier, Brad J. Bushman

Kenneth Finnegan

@hacks4pancakes You going to try and venmo yourself some cash from his phone too?

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@kwf one is illegal and one can be commented about on social media

Panama Red

@hacks4pancakes Your sacrifice is duly observed and appreciated.

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@vyrus eh, if he’s an actual reasonable person he just gets a free drink and a high five


@hacks4pancakes eh, more un-prompted positive attention than I've ever gotten from a woman in public

Richard "mtfnpy" Harman

@hacks4pancakes some of the replies to this ... I am not surprised, and god I hate people sometimes. :/

Pseudo Nym


At least the results should be more fun to write up than a pen test report.

Looking forward to the results of your research.

Robbie Coleman :verified:

I don't know if I can pull off such a look, but it sounds like I too have learned a new way to get free drinks 😁

Grant Gulovsen

@hacks4pancakes Speaking as a former bartender this sounds very risky. Could end badly unless you like getting stuck talking to really pretentious looking guys at the bar. Good luck, though. 😬

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@gulovsen if I did all the good advice people give me to stay safe I would not have a job or leave my home 🍸🤷🏻‍♀️

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@gulovsen I mean it’s good advice. But I’ve also been told to not ride a bike or walk alone to the train. Which is also good risk management

Grant Gulovsen

@hacks4pancakes As a backup plan if the radio advice doesn't work, becoming friends with the bartender - or better yet the owner of the establishment - will almost certainly result in free booze.

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@gulovsen that’s true facts. I tip well and I’m working on the meadery.

James Donohoe

Oh to be a fly on the wall in *that* bar...

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@SwiftOnSecurity the great thing is I buy drinks for random people of all genders all the time with no incident so this will probably truly only get the assholes. Everyone else just gets a free drink


@hacks4pancakes @SwiftOnSecurity Note to self, be both in a space with hacks4pancakes, and be interesting enough to get a drink bought for. 😁​

Dustin [BusySignal]


thats one way of breaking the $28 bank at Taco Bell...


@hacks4pancakes @SwiftOnSecurity You're really not talking me out of this here, tacos sound amazing.

Jerry Bell :verified_paw: :donor: :verified_dragon: :rebelverified:​

@SwiftOnSecurity @hacks4pancakes Now I am going to act like the most pretentious guy at the bar so women come up and buy me free drinks.

dave 🏳️‍🌈💻😷:any:​

@jerry @SwiftOnSecurity @hacks4pancakes Same. I just ordered a monocle and have spent the morning practicing my dismissive hurumph.


@jerry @SwiftOnSecurity @hacks4pancakes I mean, I'd buy you a drink just for running, pretention or no.



Will try! Then when he least expects it I will take his drink and go home to masturbate!

Head fake!


I'm a water engineer.
By accident and fall-of-Twitter, I found myself following a bunch of infosec accounts who mostly post gibberish I don't understand.

And, yet, I find myself continuing to follow you all...

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@ohmu there’s thing inexplicable triad of bartenders, hackers, and engineers (usually mechanical engineers, but hey)


A result: the outfit I work for is almost all cis het white guys with no sign of furry-dom anywhere.
Now, I spend days worried that said outfit is probably grievously vulnerable.


@ohmu @hacks4pancakes that’s a perfectly logical worry. It’s really hard for a homogenous group (especially one that is relatively privileged) to get a holistic understanding of risk.

Rich Smith ":unverified:" (Ace Tomato Company)

@ohmu @hacks4pancakes
Are you sure they're not hiding in plain sight, tho? Every org has folks with some extracurriculars few in work would know. Compartmentalization is a quickly acquired skill.

Frank Barton

@hacks4pancakes @ohmu That group of people is one that you should "NEVER" start a question with "I wonder if..."

or maybe you should... you never know what you'll end up getting


@ohmu @hacks4pancakes Eventually, as you gain context, the gibberish may begin to make sense!'s how we get ya. ;)

joel b

@hacks4pancakes FINALLY an excuse to wear my black turtleneck to the bar!

Mr Midnigh7

@hacks4pancakes where can I find you conducting this test cause I'll come be a scientific observer to document the successes and failures... 😂

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