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shrimp eating mammal 🦐

@chrisg the most immediate way to take power away from Google is to agitate hard for governments to enforce anti-competition laws, which Google runs afoul of on a regular basis across the world. we can't "out software" them, and shouldn't try. i'm not here to waste another couple decades writing #foss that's only going to end up being training data for the next generation of Microsoft GitHub Copilot. these companies need to be stopped from doing this crap, not handed our hard work free of charge.

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Chris Gioran 💔

@walruslifestyle Every battle against a hydra like google will seem impossible. They bet on that, they have muscle and will use it.

The question is what each one of us is willing and able to do. And we should do it. They and their ilk will not go down in a big swift move, but with a thousand papercuts.

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