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David Penfold :verified:

Monday - Ian

Tuesday - Greg

Wednesday - Ian

Thursday - Greg

Friday - Ian

Saturday - Greg

Sunday - Ian

The Gregorian Calendar


@robparsons @davep I came here to say that. You beat me to it.

But it is, indeed, brilliant.


@davep @NormanDunbar Perfectly acceptable to spread happiness even if not original.


@robparsons @davep Some may even say, recycling. Which is good for the environment. Although, a manager once told me that my jokes belong in landfill. 😁


@NormanDunbar @davep that manager clearly had no sense of humour.


@robparsons @davep no, actually, he did. I just love bad bad bad jokes.


@davep @robparsons

Please tell Ian that I'd like to swap Wednesday and Thursday next week. I have an appointment. 😁

Baba & Yoyo

First loud chuckle of the day. Thanks

Bart Veldhuizen 🚀

@Rubinstein72 @davep you’ll have to change your last name to Ancalender now! ;-)

Alessio :linux:

@davep you can't make a Tomelette without breaking some Greggs

Barry Phillips Smith


Oh, for fucks sake. It took me a minute ... 😂

I think I need to log out and go and do a shop ...


@davep clearly Greg got the better end of the deal


@davep @gregorysherrow That’s terrible! It made me laugh like a drain 😂

Rob Wood

@davep I thought this was going to be a Chapell Brothers gag 😬


@DiBosco @davep I thought it was going to be a polyamory joke. Still not sure it isn't one.

Daniel Pavey

@davep I literally flinched when I read the punchline... I can't tell if it was from pleasure or pain... 😂 👍 ❤️

David Penfold :verified:

@pcbeard It's a two-week rolling calendar, so one week out of two Monday is indeed Greg day.

It would just make the joke easier to guess though...


@davep indeed. Glad to know it’s rolling. Otherwise Ian was getting too much of my time.

Niavy :bearn: :verified:

@davep at first I didn't get the joke and then... 😲💡 🎇🎆

That's an excellent one 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Rev. GothAlice

@niavy @davep Ian's getting a bit of the shaft with that schedule, tho. 😂

David Penfold :verified:

@alice @niavy It's a rolling fortnightly calendar, you'll be glad to hear!


@davep idk seems kinda unfair… Ian is getting a lot more calendar-time than Greg

David Nash

@davep I thought the Gregorian calendar was the one where every year is Greg, except every 4th year is Ian, unless it's a century year *not* divisible by 400, in which case it's Greg again.


@davep I want to send this to everyone I know who's named Greg or Ian.

Chris Gerhard :bt:

@Mandarene @davep How many people do you know called "Greg or Ian"?

Tim Hergert

@davep this reminds me of a chant I heard once.

🥥 Tucker Carlson's Nuts 🥥

🥥 Slow -- and VERY well-deserved -- applause for your #GregorianCalendar, David! 🥥

Greg Bensimon

@davep That looks more like the Ianorgreg calendar…

Warren Terra

Kinda looks more GregXORian if you ask me

Warren Terra

Way back when, when I had to do Boolean searches OR meant one or the other or both; XOR meant one or the other but never both.

I think you're referring to XAND.

OutOfExile_IDR § Voice ®™️

Please don't tell Greg but, I've always preferred Ian.
I still don't like Mondays, however.

James Ryan


Worth a laugh or two, maybe even 1582 of 'em...

David Penfold :verified:

@miladhossein Of seven days?

It's actually a rolling fortnight, so that's cool. No, wait, it would need 16 day fortnights. Oh well...

Stygian Lizard

@davep Greg having to split his time with Ian:


@davep Ian clearly has the upper hand in this calendar.

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