re: lb: (@sc_griffith

this post is gonna do the numbers because that's exactly what software development is now. If you're not a developer… now you know what we're doing all day. (I do not say "programming" for a reason.)

this is causing a lot of strife in my workplace b/c the two ppl doing Flurble and Gumbie are both trying to learn them as they go, while the tech manager giving them directions also doesn't really know what Flurble and Gumbie do. The result is a lot of impatience as the Flurble dev slowly learns that Flurble doesn't actually do that, while the Gumbie dev keeps saying things like "I don't think we should use Gumbie's waterslides, I prefer to build those manually. It's easier b/c then I don't have to learn anything. To keep the water running I will write a Clobber script that pipes in more water from—“ and we have to stop them like, no, Gumbie does the slides, your job is to push the woodchipper.

It's a whole mess.