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jfml ✨ Jonas Laugs

Hi #Inkscape-fans! I finally found a way to do object-#shadows!

Ctrl-D to duplicate the object, make the color a bit darker.

N and select the nodes where the endpoints of your shadow should be.

Shift-B to „Break path at selected nodes“ (🤔)

Ctrl-Shift-K to „Break apart“ (🤷‍♀️)

S and Del to select and delete the part that isn't gonna be shadow.

N to go back to node view, B to draw the inner edge of the shadow.

It's more cumbersome than what I was doing in #AdobeIllustrator but it works!



You can also achieve this by duplicating the layer


Darkening that copy

Then creating another object that cuts away the portion you don't want

Then selecting both and using the Path, Difference operation

CTRL + -

Which will leave only the shaded part.

Just another option:)

jfml ✨ Jonas Laugs

@lps Ooooooh, that's awesome! Very good idea and so much faster! Thanks so much for the tip!



You may also like the shape builder in 1.3 too. Which comes out next week in it's stable form.

But let me know what the workflow was in Illustrator. Always interested to know alts in case it's possible to program Inkscape with them.

jfml ✨ Jonas Laugs

@doctormo Oh, yeah, the shape-builder should be very good for this! Exciting!

In Illustrator I'd do: Duplicate the object with Ctrl-C and Ctrl-F, change color, A for Direct Selection (Node View), C for Scissors, cut the object anywhere on the path V for object selection, delete unneeded part, P and for pen tool to draw the shadow. Workflow is quite similar but a few less steps, I think.

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