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Chris Gioran 💔

@aral This hits incredibly close to home for me.

That's exactly why i quit my job. I want to build _something_ that gives people the opportunity to be creative without being beholden to an exploitative system rotten to the core.

I think it's possible. Perhaps i want to believe it's possible. But if its not, then it's still worth doing.

I am so fucking pumped to be in these conversations. ✊


@aral @chrisg
Love you bring this up. Still stuck with a job on proprietary stuff, but I hope to find something useful soon. Doesn't have to make me rich, but some funds for living would be nice!


@chrisg @aral I think there are places to work, earn decent money, and be broadly ethical.

But I know in every single job I have had, there have been ethical considerations to bear in mind, to deal with.

But in the end, I want my work to make peoples lives easier. I want to produce something that means other people are happier in their work.

It is constantly a challenge.

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