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George Takei

**CALLING ALL FRIENDS, ADVOCATES, AND ACTIVISTS** A leaked e-mail from a Texas Department of Protective Safety trooper documents the remarkably cruel measures Governor Greg Abbott has instituted at the border to deter crossings. These include hidden razor wire traps, the withholding of water even in extreme heat, and orders to push migrants—including children and infants—back into the Rio Grande where they might drown. The sight of razor wire to corral innocent human beings has echoes for me personally, when similar wire surrounded the Japanese American internment camps of my youth. We cannot let Governor Greg Abbott get away with this. I'm calling on you, my friends, advocates and activists, to help put a stop to this by signing the petition demanding the Biden Administration puts an end to these inhumane practices against migrants in Texas.

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱


As always thanks for bringing this stuff up, its important... Really appreciate all you do.


@freemo @georgetakei


I've been following George since Twit and he's almost always on point.

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱


Absolutely. I am generally quite "sick" of most people who are firmly on the left or right.. but he is an exception.. 90% of his stuff at least is stuff I can support.


Peters J Vecrumba

@georgetakei Done. My better half and I can't thank you enough for your activism!

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