I am an ascerbic motherfucker.

That's prolly why, so my life, i do things for those to whom i an endeared, and then unleash really infamitory insults towards those that offer culturally infamitory attached upon those who would denigrate my life choices - to those if you who do that to others? Fuck you! Such my fuckin' dick!

Here's a delectable plating of Pacific wild caught salmon with a medley of mustard greens with shrooms and store bought cherry tomatoes (apologies, i usually only do shit that i actually grew myself) along with stuffed mushrooms and jalapenos (look elsewhere as to how o make the stuffing).

Fuck you PETA, fuck you vegans, suck my fucking dick! This is really yummy and I'm not advocating that anyone eat processed food like you do.

On the other hand... Give it a try bruh, i think you'll really like it biotch!

Yum yumz!

#tallship #supper #yummies #dinner #reisling_wine #Scarf_City #be_kind #you can haz #Cheezburgerz! 🍔


If you can't get the gist already, here's the total pic with broccoli, mushrooms, onjions (sic), cheeses, stuffed jalapenos and shrooms, salmon (Pacific caught wild salmon), and plenty of God damned reisling...

Hey! I'm in #SuperSunnySouthernCalifornia motherfuckers! If it comes from the ocean and ain't extremely toxic then I'll prolly eat it whether it's cooked or not!

I think you'll love this dish, but if you don't, i'm all about trying your recipes too!

Lemme know, k? You can do this too!
