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October 28th, 2019 - Highway 36, Humboldt, California.

With the season coming to a close, them trimmigrants can't be choosey about where they're gonna hibernate for the winter ❄️

Seen along the way to the #Mad_River Bar - a town, if you will, with 3 buildings in it; a bar, a post office the size of a closet, and a butcher shop. There's also the "Mad River Burger Bar", a locally famous trailer on jack stands that sells takeout burgers πŸ” & fries 🍟

#tallship #harvest #Humboldt #autumn πŸ‚


October 28th, 2019 - Highway 36, Humboldt, California.

With the season coming to a close, them trimmigrants can't be choosey about where they're gonna hibernate for the winter ❄️
Roast Fish Cornbread installation in Torrance (Los Angeles). An international event by Kyle William Harper.

This old lockout music studio received a facelift of free paint by street scene artists from around the world. This one by *Soup* and others by him especially impressed me.

5 bands performed at the event (not that there was any shortage). More of Kyle's work is available at his website.

#tallship #Roast_Fish_Cornbread #Kyle_William_Harper #art #street_scene


Roast Fish Cornbread installation in Torrance (Los Angeles). An international event by Kyle William Harper.

This old lockout music studio received a facelift of free paint by street scene artists from around the world. This one by *Soup* and others by him especially impressed me.
August 11th, 2020 - My final month on the mountain before the fires of the August Complex came and dashed everything away.

As you can see, my bountiful garden was thriving, with more than I could consume myself - it was wonderful.

#tallship #Humboldt #Homesteading #Off_Grid #Jeremiah_Johnson #wilderness #solitude


August 11th, 2020 - My final month on the mountain before the fires of the August Complex came and dashed everything away.

As you can see, my bountiful garden was thriving, with more than I could consume myself - it was wonderful.
26 March 2018 - Approaching sunset while overlooking valleys and mountain ranges in Humboldt California.

That's six years ago.

#tallship #Humboldt #sunset #view


26 March 2018 - Approaching sunset while overlooking valleys and mountain ranges in Humboldt California.

That's six years ago.

July 30th, 2021 - The very best Mexican restaurant in Eureka, California... And it's on wheels.

Speaking of wheels, that's my truck in the background there.

Nevertheless, it's good to be back home in #SuperSunnySouthernCalifornia where there's certainly a lot more culinary choices to choose from, but up north, this was a personal go-to of mine.

#tallship #Roach_Coach #Taco_trucks


July 30th, 2021 - The very best Mexican restaurant in Eureka, California... And it's on wheels.

Speaking of wheels, that's my truck in the background there.
18 December 2017, Homeboldt, California.

The joys of cooking with wood fired stoves.

This was my #Stanley_cooker and oven. I even managed to make a couple of cakes in there - now that's a challenge, but once you develop an intimate understanding of working the firebox and valves to maintain the temps you want in the oven, all things are possible.

But it still took about 45 minutes to get a fire going and the stove top hot enough to cook a skillet of πŸ₯“ bacon & 🐣πŸ₯š eggs

#tallship #off_grid

18 December 2017, Homeboldt, California.

The joys of cooking with wood fired stoves.

This was my #Stanley_cooker
12 August 2020, off-grid on the living room of my cabin in the wilderness of Humboldt, California.

My rooster waits for me to come outside so he can flog me... Cuz he's one mean assed motherfucker and never learns that Imma just punt him instead.

That is, if my favorite hen, who also waits for me everyday to follow me around and body block him. Yeah, she literally would kick his ass when he tried to attack me.

She would eat yummy veggies from my garden right out of my hand.



12 August 2020, off-grid on the living room of my cabin in the wilderness of Humboldt, California.

My rooster waits for me to come outside so he can flog me... Cuz he's one mean assed motherfucker and never learns that Imma just punt him instead.
Can you say, "yummy"?

Hot, spicy, and yummy in my tummy!

Custom veggie stir fry supper with peppers 🌢️, mushrooms πŸ„, lots of fresh garlicπŸ§„, and baby octopus πŸ™.

Plated and ready to serve!

#tallship #supper #broccoli #stir_fry #mushrooms #green_beans πŸ«› #garlic #baby_octopus #jalapenos #serrano


Can you say, "yummy"?

Hot, spicy, and yummy in my tummy!

Custom veggie stir fry supper with peppers 🌢️, mushrooms πŸ„, lots of fresh garlicπŸ§„, and baby octopus πŸ™.
Looking through the poppies in my garden towards my old #cabin in the mountains of #Humboldt, #California.

These were wonderful times... Before the fires of the #August_Complex.

This is one of my fav photos of my old home in the serene isolation of #nature.

I had a few wonderful years here, before having to #evacuate to a world consumed by fear and uncertainty amidst the calamity of the global #Wuhan pandemic.

18 June 2018

#tallship #off_grid #wilderness #home


Looking through the poppies in my garden towards my old #cabin in the mountains of #Humboldt, #California.

These were wonderful times... Before the fires of the #August_Complex.
04 February, 2018, in the Humboldt wilderness.

Someone actually, somehow, went to the trouble of packing in a fricken' piano from the outside world. A feat that still, I scratch my head over.

The piano didn't make any sounds, save for dull thuds, but most of the keys weren't even raised. Somewhere I've a few shots of it, and I'm sure it has served as the nest of many a critter, lolz.

I find this oddly fashioned cabin intriguing, but precarious on the side of a hidden canyon



04 February, 2018, in the Humboldt wilderness.

Someone actually, somehow, went to the trouble of packing in a fricken' piano from the outside world. A feat that still, I scratch my head over.
Valentine's Day - 6 years ago today in 2018, living off-grid in in the mountain #wilderness of #Humboldt, California.

Just me, myself, and I, on a sunny afternoon with my wood fired Stanley cooker.

#tallship #Valentines_Day #off_grid


Valentine's Day - 6 years ago today in 2018, living off-grid in in the mountain #wilderness of #Humboldt, California.

Just me, myself, and I, on a sunny afternoon with my wood fired Stanley cooker.
Halloween, 2017 (October 31st) - Humboldt, California.

Matching his and her costumes.

You can easily tell which one is which, lolz.

Literally, I was off bucking up logs earlier in the day with a chainsaw and peeled these natural bark costumes from some of them. You can't make this stuff up, but a sick imagination does help you see the potential to use them as Halloween costumes while they're still wrapped around the logs.


#tallship #Halloween #matching_costumes #off_grid_living


Halloween, 2017 (October 31st) - Humboldt, California.

Matching his and her costumes.

You can easily tell which one is which, lolz.
Okay there's no plaque or anything commemorating this (no longer functioning) fountain, nor an explanation as to why this hundred year old relic laid on the rocks below was busted into about six pieces, until concerned citizens raised it from below, reassembled and plastered it.

This was the resort's fountain where the Japanese Olympic team stayed and trained during the 1932 Olympic games.

Some of us still endeavor to keep the memories of the inhabitants of #Issei cove alive.



Okay there's no plaque or anything commemorating this (no longer functioning) fountain, nor an explanation as to why this hundred year old relic laid on the rocks below was busted into about six pieces, until concerned citizens raised it from below, reassembled and plastered it.

Head South on Western avenue anywhere along the southern corridor of #Los_Angeles and at the very very end you'll arrive here at the cliffs of #White_Point.

It's also referred to as #Issei_Cove, in honor of the first generation #Japanese immigrants who first settled here, and farmed the reefs for scallops, abalone, and urchins.

It was a resort with a huge salt water pool and housed the #Japanese_Olympic_Team in 1932.

They were interred in WWII.

#tallship #Issei



Head South on Western avenue anywhere along the southern corridor of #Los_Angeles and at the very very end you'll arrive here at the cliffs of #White_Point.
A couple of years back in Eureka with a lady friend who was showing me around on a cultural stroll.

This back alley mural is an homage to Eleanora Fagan, one of my great musical influences, and one of the most celebrated jazz singers of all time.

At the bottom of the frame you'll notice the two rails, the wooden cross ties long since buried beneath the asphalt of the alley. I stood wondering for a very long time why there was literally no clearance for passing trains.



A couple of years back in Eureka with a lady friend who was showing me around on a cultural stroll.

This back alley mural is an homage to Eleanora Fagan, one of my great musical influences, and one of the most celebrated jazz singers of all time.
April 20th, 2023 in the mountains of Humboldt again.

This is there beautiful Naya, during in repose with her legs crossed in front of her like a proper lady.

This is shortly before she started really slowing down and becoming arthritic and lethargic. And then she just stopped eating and began to wither away.

She would still take food from me to be polite, but just drop it into the ground.

As wolves do, one day she decided to wander off alone into the woods to die on her own without fanfare.
April 20th, 2023 in the mountains of Humboldt again.

This is there beautiful Naya, during in repose with her legs crossed in front of her like a proper lady.
Valentine's Day breakfast, 2018.

My wood fired #Stanley_cooker stove and oven.

Everything is better when it's cooked in an #Iron_skillet.

I baked a few cakes in that oven, which is a real challenge - adjusting the type and amount of wood in the firebox as well as the redirect of the heat to the oven box.

It takes constant attention. The first cake, I had to cut out the center, which wasn't done, like a bundt cake.

#tallship #off_grid #foodpr0n #Humboldt


Valentine's Day breakfast, 2018.

My wood fired #Stanley_cooker stove and oven.

Everything is better when it's cooked in an
Jake Edward Brown, AKA Thomas Tracy Burum, died in 2003.

He was 36 years old when he murdered Teri Lynn Hollis on Thanksgiving Day 1972.

He got away with #murder and wasn't identified until 11 September 2019.

Teri and I were the same age, 11 years old. she was my neighbor, abducted from my neighborhood, raped, strangled, and her body was discovered the next day, dumped on the rocks at the beach.

My parents put me on lockdown after that, and it has haunted me my entire life.



Jake Edward Brown, AKA Thomas Tracy Burum, died in 2003.

He was 36 years old when he murdered Teri Lynn Hollis on Thanksgiving Day 1972.

The Piggy Opera!

I made the mistake of originally publishing this photo at back in December, 2013 - don't do that! Viewbug kinda really sucks and you can't even download your own photos. Here's the specs I have on this:

From, "The Piggy Opera", Concordia Elementary School, San Clemente, California.

The tell tale signs of a child who still sucks her thumb is apparent in this portrait of a girl with a starring role in a school play.

Aperture f/4.5 Shutter 1/250

* We didn't really have a #Fediverse back then, although we did have a few platforms that still exist and are the major parts of the Fediverse today, such as #Friendica (had a couple of name changes since then), StatusNet/PumpIO, etc., but none of that is really important.

* This is the first photo of a series - I'm prolly going to try out "collections" and make this part of one. I still have a bad taste left in my mouth from the #gplus days when they launched collections, but I digress.

* The Piggy Opera was her first grade school play, and from an age of innocence that eventually evolves into some awareness on the childs part that I think most parents loathe - we always wish for them to remain the "Itty Bitty Baby" that we carried everywhere on one arm; and this was in the last months of when she was still light enough for me to carry her everywhere.

#tallship #ginger #piggy #The_Jennifer #Piggy_Opera #Children #closeup #closeups #faces
The Piggy Opera!

I made the mistake of originally publishing this photo at back in December, 2013 - don't do that! Viewbug kinda really sucks and you can't even download your own photos. Here's the specs I have on this:
Ah... now that was enough wood for about three weeks.

Oak, Doug fir, and Madron, bucked and split and stacked up on my porch like a solid wooden brick, 7Β½' high x12' wide x 6' deep.

That's a lot of fucking fire #wood!

Everything I cooked and all of my heat came from that wood stack.

#tallship #off_grid #rural_life #Humboldt


Ah... now that was enough wood for about three weeks.

Oak, Doug fir, and Madron, bucked and split and stacked up on my porch like a solid wooden brick, 7Β½' high x12' wide x 6' deep.
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