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Takiro 🎨


Definitely zombie or environmental storytelling skeleton at least.

beforewisdom 🖖


Actually plants can't be grown in human ashes. Too alkaline and salty.

I've heard there are kits for mixing human ashes with other chemicals so plants can be grown in them.


@warandpeas I laughed!

However, if I may add a small suggestion: I think it would have been even funnier if the joke wasn't spelled out in its entirety before the punchine.

For example, her dialog in the 3rd panel could be: "But what if there's a Zombie apocalypse?" The man would be confused by this random question, as would the reader be, and then panel 4 delivers the punchline.


@warandpeas The canadian wildfires would cremate him a second time 😂


@warandpeas yep that's proof a fungus can take over a dead body.

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