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@JoshuaHolland So was everyone (data, auditors, judges) complicit? If there were "tickets" issued, were there no fines or court appearances associated?

If there were tickets issued but not recorded, how were fines collected? Did the cops get it in cash?

Do they have no auditors in CT? I don't even get how this would work on a practical level.


@CRSG @JoshuaHolland The article says there were 2 different databases. One for the judicial system, and one to track racial profiling. Because how else would you do it if you wanted to make sure they could keep getting away with it?


@hosford42 @JoshuaHolland In either case, they were reporting tickets. Didn't anyone wonder where all the fines went? 60k tickets would be a LOT of money and since so many police departments fund themselves with fines ... you'd think someone would be at least puzzled.

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