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5 posts total
Joshua Holland

I’ve heard somewhere that democracy dies in darkness.

“In a series of paragraphs that are up there as being among the most shocking I have read in my journalistic career, the Post acknowledged on Saturday — dropped in the middle of the holiday weekend, more than a week after the Times’s report — that they had known about the flag since at least January 20, 2021, and had not revealed knowledge of it until May 25, 2024.”

#media #alito

Joshua Holland

CT state troopers entered up to 60K fake tickets, issued to imaginary white people, to game a database designed to ferret out racial profiling. (And didn't enter real tickets issued to Black people.) One in 4 troopers were doing it. And it seems like nobody is being punished for this crime.

#police #racism

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Of course they do. And if you sue, PD will make sure they're the defendants so the officers won't see any penalties and you, the taxpayer, will foot the bill

Joshua Holland

Oh Molly, what have you gotten yourself into this time? #dogsofmastodon

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Curious Magpie

@JoshuaHolland Oh Molly, your cousin Sadie knows all about getting into places she shouldn't be


@JoshuaHolland I had a black lab just like that. Hahaha



Ngl…I find it enormously gratifying to watch that chowderheaded fascist dunce fail so spectacularly and in so public a manner…

Dude’s got no more business acumen than a lottery winner has “number-picking talent.”

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