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A Tattered Scrapbook

@JoshuaHolland You know when people talk about systemic racism, and “centrists” get uncomfortable and defensive…?

This, right here, is the system, being racist, using more racism to try to hide the initial racism, and, caught, going unpunished by the racist system.

Connecticut. Not Florida. Democrat governor. Democrat senators.

How do you fix this?

Ricardo Harvin

@Tattered "Just move", white people love to advise.


@ricardoharvin @Tattered And they know you'd have to move to another country to get away from it when they say it.

Ricardo Harvin

@hosford42 @Tattered My point is, there's no guarantee of safety *anywhere* right now because fascism and authoritarianism are spreading literally everywhere.


@ricardoharvin @Tattered I agree! Just commenting on their oh-so-pure motives.

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@Tattered @JoshuaHolland in the 90s I lived in an affluent, liberal area of SE England (the town of Reading, which is a bit like "British Seattle"). Thames Valley Police were instructed to record the ethnicity of those they stopped and searched.

I am of East/SE Asian ancestry (which is code IC5 in UK), but nearly always got recorded on the sheet as IC1 (White) whenever I got stop checked..

Simon W 🙄 🆙 ⚛️

@vfrmedia @Tattered @JoshuaHolland I used to live there in the 90s too. But actually being IC1 I never got stopped and searched.

Tom Forsyth

@vfrmedia @Tattered @JoshuaHolland What the apartheid-era South Africans called an "Honorary White" to make it totally not racist at all.

Ronin Guy

@Tattered @JoshuaHolland
(Narrator's voice): You can't fix what's not "broken". The system is working as designed, against the intended targets.

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