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Dr. Quadragon ❌

And yes, I see what you're coming from, but anytime I see somebody using Nix, it's always something isn't working. Maybe due to the fact that it mangles the POSIX standards so much, your system almost doesn't resemble *nix anymore.

It's too broken. At least at the moment. Also too restrictive to me as a user.

1 comment

> I see somebody using Nix, it's always something isn't working

I only hear this from someone who doesn’t use Nix. For me it’s like a horror you tell kids to make them behave good.

For me it was working from the beginning. And it was doing what I wanted (actually I wanted something like Nix for years before I even get to know it exists). And it was working for me for around 2 years already. Since now you saw me, you can remove “always” from your notes.

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