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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Don't get me wrong: objectively speaking, Linux software management situation is miles ahead of what Windows has to offer. The idea of repositories and package managers (which, in layman's world transformed into "App stores" and "Software centers") is actually something we, the *nix community, take pride in, rightfully so.

Compared to that, Windows has NO software management, basically to this day.

But it can be better. It HAS to be better if we want to move somewhere.

Diversity is great, but too much of a good thing is still a bad thing. Systemd being adopted by almost all Linux distributions made the ecosystem on the whole immesurably easier to manage and great deal more predictable. Whatever the distribution, you have a common frame of reference.

Something akin to this must happen to software packages.


@drq Well, #Nix and #NixOS make it even better. It was never so easy to contribute a package to the repository (which is literally a Git repository). The package gets built automatically and binary cache populated. And the maintenance cost is very low.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

> It was never so easy to contribute a package to the repository (which is literally a Git repository).

BSD ports? Portege? AUR?


@drq Could you describe steps for each you have to go through in order to add a new package to the repository?

Dr. Quadragon ❌

And yes, I see what you're coming from, but anytime I see somebody using Nix, it's always something isn't working. Maybe due to the fact that it mangles the POSIX standards so much, your system almost doesn't resemble *nix anymore.

It's too broken. At least at the moment. Also too restrictive to me as a user.


> I see somebody using Nix, it's always something isn't working

I only hear this from someone who doesn’t use Nix. For me it’s like a horror you tell kids to make them behave good.

For me it was working from the beginning. And it was doing what I wanted (actually I wanted something like Nix for years before I even get to know it exists). And it was working for me for around 2 years already. Since now you saw me, you can remove “always” from your notes.

Мира The Cat Lady

@drq справедливости ради, в шиндовш 10 есть шиндовш стор

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@mira_the_catgirl Он там появился позже всех.

И он сосирует.

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