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Deer Witch, Cypress of Baths

@bram @glitch25 LOVE this. Reminded me of a diff knowledge security:

I used to work with a programming console had a one motion enable/disable screens & buttons shortcut that was the same on every install of that device.

There were optional username/password features, but the shortcut was generally accepted as secure enough because anyone who’d activate it would have at least a basic knowledge of what they were getting into.

Security: terrible in theory, effective enough in practice.

Mark Burge

@moss heh, I know exactly what console and key combo you’re talking about.

Deer Witch, Cypress of Baths

@Makr I think you’re thinking of the 3 letter company, cause that’s at least a combo! 2 letter is a single press which feels even more absurd, but yes, exactly

Mark Burge

@moss single press? What’s next, a half press?

(Don’t mind me, I’m just just bringing in obscure speed running modes into a conversation about nothing remotely related)

Cal Alaera

@Makr @moss Did you know you can speed up your exit of vim by a frame if you buffer the Z-press while you press and release Alt? /joke

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