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bram dingelstad :nb_flag:

this has to be the most hilarious popup i've had ever #Obsidian

hazelnot :yell:

@bram thank god honestly, if I ever accidentally toggle that stuff on I'd have to restart the thing

hazelnot :yell:

@bram also would you be willing to add a text description to the image so I can boost it? 😅

elilla&, travesti madam

@bram "to confirm that you know your way around Emacs, please type below the Lisp code for the core interaction loop with a Rogerian therapist AI"

Brian Hawthorne

@elilla @bram Better yet, for the combination of a Rogerian Therapist AI analyzing Zippy the Pinhead.

Alina 0xFF

@bram @elilla oh no … I bet they got plenty of bug reports from people who didn't know what vim is and activated the mode

Triss :genderfluid_flag:

I’m pretty sure about that 😹
And I’m also very sure that a lot of vim users are laughing tears over it (I’m one of them).

@bram @elilla

Nuno & Lua :DsaprvingLua:

@bram that's actually a smart way to do it: you say you know vim? Prove it!


@bram this is good ux. Frankly I think most users would benefit from a similar popup warning of the dangers of using a computer every time they power it on


@bram "To verify that you know your way around Vim" I know that command to catapult myself out of it, but I know absolutely nothing else.


@basil @bram well at the very least you'll be able to exit it, and you know why you're not able to do anything, soooo x)


@bram I'm sure they had many, many customer tickets with "I'm stuck"! 😂


@runningrobderby @bram alt: Woman in an protective suit holding a whiteboard with the text: "ESC :q!"

Jeff Grigg

@adamwarvergeben @runningrobderby @bram

For a little more context:

The image is from the movie "Arrival." The woman is a linguist who is attempting to communicate with aliens that have arrived from outer space by writing and showing words on a hand-held whiteboard.

The text shown on the whiteboard is not from the movie; it was edited in.

And understanding vim being like trying to communicate with aliens from outer space is probably a good analogy.

PlexSheep :linux: :fedora: :hacker_p: :hacker_l: :hacker_e: :hacker_x: 🇩🇪 🇯🇵

@bram I knew this already. It's great design, and very funny too.

Of course, I'd like more vim features in Obsidian, the stuff they offer is pretty barebones. But I will gladly take any #vim over no vim at all


@plexsheep @bram ah yes, the problem with vim, is that you start to want vim everywhere.

PlexSheep :linux: :fedora: :hacker_p: :hacker_l: :hacker_e: :hacker_x: 🇩🇪 🇯🇵

@n3wjack @bram And then you just ditch everything that is not vim. Except for IntelliJ, because Java does Java things.

Nina Reynolds

@bram maybe it is time to switch to obsidian indeed


@bram It should ask for at least two different ways of doing that just to be sure xD.


@kechpaja @bram I think it does ... Because I believe I've seen a screenshot of this popup before, but asking for "save and quit" instead.


@bram When I saw this the first time I actually laughed out loud. I like Vim mode in most of my editors and I think this is absolutely great.

Kevin Karhan :verified:

@bram I think it's not hillarious but makes sense to stop noobs from fecking up their setup!

Larry Clapp 🤞


Ha. It'd be even funnier if your last name was Moolenaar.

Steven D. Brewer 🏳️‍⚧️


This reminds of how I discovered that the ed substitute command works in Discord. My brother @philipbrewer teases me for making typos, so in Signal, when I make a typo, I'll send a followup message "s/typo/fixed" to prevent him from teasing me. But when I did that in Discord IT JUST WORKED!

Philip Brewer

@stevendbrewer @bram In the interests of full disclosure: I tease him anyway.


@stevendbrewer @bram @philipbrewer it isn’t very powerful, you can’t even do /g, but it’s better than nothing I guess

bram dingelstad :nb_flag:

this has been my best toot ever, follow me for more niche editor content i guess?

Ian Douglas Scott

@bram By far my most popular post was a joke about vi, so clearly humor related to 1970s text editors is the best way to go viral on the fediverse.

I need to write a good Emacs joke. Hm, Emacs probably has a jokes-mode for that...

Or a joke about ed, but

hazelnot :yell:

@ids1024 @bram my most popular post is either some meme I stole from reddit or that high-effort meme I made about Activate Linux ( if you're curious)


@bram As a vim user, the only thing funnier than a joke about emacs users is a joke about vim users. We don't joke about nano users because humour doesn't punch down.


@bram well, it's a good check tbh. I've been stuck in Vim at one time, not knowing how to get out of it 😅.


@bram something like that would have helped me, about 30 years ago

Hey, maybe some software *is* getting easier to use

Josh Bressers

@bram Oh my goodness, if you get it wrong the popup is amazing


@bram i'm always curious what these accept, given it's vim and there's usually a couple ways to go about doing something

:q! is what they're expecting, what about ZQ? :exit? :!pkill vim?


@bram this would have saved me having to force power off my computer if it were built into vim in the late nineties.


@bram accidentally triggering vim mode in things with secret vim modes is the worst and this is both hilarious and excellent design from obsidian



Re: Obsidian / Vim mode

Which of the many ways of leaving Vim does it accept as the One True Way?
Asking for a friend 🙃

👍Maximum Derek👍

@bram Theres a VIM mode for Obsidian?!!

**Commence happy dance**


@bram That'd make me down right delete whatever produced the pop up.

With prejudice.

-- someone who is happy with the 5 vi commands known for 30 years+


@bram :term +q sudo rm -rf /

And stop suffering.

Ken Anderson

@bram @lisamelton I had the exact same reaction when I used Obsidian for the first time. Knowledge of VIM is embedded in my lizard brain.


@bram they should implement that into Emacs or something as a joke xD



Re: Obsidian / vim mode

Which command does it accept as the One True Way?
Asking for a friend 🙃

[Delete and retoot after I read the popup properly]

Mx. Alba :heart_nb:

@bram That's actually a pretty smart way to avoid a lot of confusion and frustration...


Heals :heart_nb: (comms open)

@bram @Velyn that's a trick question.. there's more than one command in vim to do that.


@heals that's the secret answer for how you open the hidden entrance to the treasure room

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@bram Word Perfect had no such message! I fired it up once to see what it was like - blank screen with just a cursor, no menu, F1 didn't provide any help. How to get out of it? Power cycle worked, and I went back to WordStar (menu defaulted on, you could turn it off when you no longer needed it).


@bram I like that dialog - The only problem is there are several right answers, and that dialog only accepts one of them.


@resuna @bram Actually, I think this is slightly different than the one I saw before. The one I saw before I think asked for the command to write and quit. I can only think of 1 way to do this particular one.


@kago @bram If they want you to write even if the file was not modified some of those won't count.

Eli the Bearded

A simple `:f /dev/null | e! | q`

Don't see the problem


@bram I have been using vi for 45 years and I do not understand why vi mode for command lines is even a thing. It's a wonderful interface for text editors but it's wack as hell for command lines.



@bram That’s briljant! :goose_hacker:

Vidar Hokstad / Galaxy Bound

@bram I'm guilty of having resorted to "killall -9 vim" from another terminal more than once before I finally bothered to learn.

Also, there was that incident when I symlinked vim to emacs on the shell server for the ISP I co-founded... It was.. polarizing.


@bram I got stuck in VIM once....I didn't know what to do so I formatted the hard drive

Farshid Hakimy

@bram Well, I would think that my PC froze if neither CTRL+C nor CTRL+X closed something that I had only opened by accident too.

Farshid Hakimy

@bram because there is no way someone would want to open vim on purpose

Mariya Delano

@bram my husband saw this post and wanted me to politely ask you if you know of any good resources for him to learn Vim (for Obsidian) pretty please?

Bill the Galactic Hero

@bram This is why I have a drink coaster with #Vim commands

Sebastian Peitsch

@bram I would be thankful for this. Very thankful.

I once sat in front of a VIM prompt and didn't know how to get out of it in University

I just wanted to go home 😭

David Zaslavsky

@bram hahaha agreed! But it's also legitimately brilliant, in that it ensures you cannot enable vim mode without knowing at least a last-ditch way to get out of it


Got stumped by that one despite using vim daily since I always exit with normal mode ZZ/ZQ.

Dan :nixos:

@bram Everytime I see this popup I try holding down the power button & when I come back obsidian doesn't remember what I did :(


@bram OMG. That's awesome. (And I'm solidly in the vim camp.)


@bram it's all good until you, a confident vim user of many years, accidentally enter ex mode and are trapped in a whole different way


@bram but does it accept all the valid ways to exit vim that are mentioned there?


@mmu_man @bram Oh my god, that’s gold. I’ve actually laughed out loud.


@bram wish I had gotten this message the first time I accidentally opened a file with vim


@bram OK, this is one of the few cases where this is still funny. Also true.


@bram hilarious but kind of makes sense tho

Maxine Hayes


"the"? But there's multiple!

Shift+: q

Quit without saving
Shift+: q!

Write then quit
Shift+: wq
Shift+: x


@bram @lisamelton LOL, That’s almost enough to get my to use Obsidian.

Michael Miller :blobrdm: 🦆

@bram @lisamelton I cheered when I saw this. I knew I had found my kind.

Cameron Presley

@bram Love to see it! Reminds me when to enable develop mode on an Android phone, you had to hit a button a certain amount of time stating that you knew what you were doing

mofu mofu fumo
@bram if an application asks me if i am sure that i want to take off the kid gloves i ususlly just uninstall it.
Joe Crawford

@bram You say you use Vim? Then name three of their albums.

Jeremy 🇨🇦

@bram okay but did you get past that screen I'm in vim and haven't been able to quit for 28 years please my family needs me


@bram Bonus points: it says "the command", but there's at least two it'll accept.

Per Vognsen

@bram Joke's on them, the only vi command non-vi users know is :q!

rm -lininger

@bram I’ve been wondering if I should try a note taking app, finally, now that I’ve learned some nonSaaS options exist.

I guess I know what to try first!!!!


@bram it's so good. I love the design pattern at work here.

Owen H.

@bram Does it accept both ":q" and ":q!"?

Florke×64 🏴‍☠️

@bram it's like "aren't you drunk?" questions in e-scooter apps

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