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Steve Troughton-Smith

Luckily data-hoarder-me had a copy of my iPhoneOS 1.0 toolchain, so I installed it into a Mac OS X v10.5 VM and fixed up the port ๐Ÿ˜„

It's alive! /cc @chockenberry

Steve Troughton-Smith

Video of the original Lights Off for iPhone running mostly as intended on iPhoneOS 1.1 in qemu

Steve Troughton-Smith

And with a fixed-up icon to complete the experience

Steve Troughton-Smith

And if for some reason you ever need to install iPhoneOS 1.0 in an emulator and use third-party apps from the home screen, my SpringBoard patch was to SBIconModel _addItemsToIconList:fromPath:withTags: where I bypass a [[[SBPlatformController sharedInstance] allowedDisplayIdentifiers] containsObject:] and change the beq from an 0A to a 00.

If there's an easier way of doing this, I couldn't find it after 16 years of link rot ๐Ÿ˜…

Steve Troughton-Smith

Re-learning a lot today; the iPhoneOS 1.0 SDK is *very* different from iPhoneOS 2.0 and everything after it. Simple things like UIColor, UIScreen don't exist. Even UITableView was 'justโ€™ UITable. UILabel was UITextLabel. QuartzCore was 'LayerKitโ€™. There is no UIApplicationDelegate either, you subclassed UIApplication instead.

Really shows the longevity of a public API contract; almost everything in iPhoneOS 2.0 is very familiar to modern UIKit development

Steve Troughton-Smith

@collin most things I emulate don't correspond to a shipping qemu, so aren't really UTM-able

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