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Steve Troughton-Smith

And if for some reason you ever need to install iPhoneOS 1.0 in an emulator and use third-party apps from the home screen, my SpringBoard patch was to SBIconModel _addItemsToIconList:fromPath:withTags: where I bypass a [[[SBPlatformController sharedInstance] allowedDisplayIdentifiers] containsObject:] and change the beq from an 0A to a 00.

If there's an easier way of doing this, I couldn't find it after 16 years of link rot 😅

Steve Troughton-Smith

Re-learning a lot today; the iPhoneOS 1.0 SDK is *very* different from iPhoneOS 2.0 and everything after it. Simple things like UIColor, UIScreen don't exist. Even UITableView was 'just’ UITable. UILabel was UITextLabel. QuartzCore was 'LayerKit’. There is no UIApplicationDelegate either, you subclassed UIApplication instead.

Really shows the longevity of a public API contract; almost everything in iPhoneOS 2.0 is very familiar to modern UIKit development

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