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Christopher Mims

bluesky is fun, threads is fun, but I don't think I'll ever forget the lesson of Twitter:

if you don't control your own social graph, someone else controls an increasingly important part of your life

Pusher Of Pixels

@mimsical ooo, very concise way to describe this!

Thank you!

Christopher Mims

@pixelpusher220 honestly the last line could just be "someone else controls YOU"

Jason Perseus


I'd try #BlueSky if #Mastodon failed to do what I need it to at some point, but I explicitly want a news feed with reporters and journalism and #Threads seems quite hostile to that.

Also I've heard that Threads doesn't let you follow only the posts of the people you follow, but populates them with random "algorithm" suggestions.

I think I'd rather die. Facebook and Twitter both did a version of that and if it was forced, I would have left. Renders the timeline worthless.


@JasonPerseus @mimsical I heard threads will eventually implement non-algo feeds. But they’ll probably federate around that time. I wonder if journalists should create their own activity pub instance at that point.


@JasonPerseus @mimsical If it helps, my Threads follows are loaded with reporters and, even with their algo, that’s almost exclusively what populates it. YMMV.

Shrikant Joshi

@Albertkinng I'm not @mimsical but I'll try:

Simply put, your social graph is the people you interact with. Twitter, BlueSky, FB and all corporate social media algos show you what THEY think will keep you engaged. This causes you to interact more with some and less with others, which changes your social graph.

Mastodon simply shows things in a chronological view. Your social graph is influenced purely by who you follow.

More here:

Shrikant Joshi

@plasticmonkey @Albertkinng Happy to help!

It is one of those concepts that we all know intuitively but happens to have a very jargon-y name. Often just a line or two of explanation is all that is needed... :)


Shrikant Joshi

@plasticmonkey Aw, thanks for such kind words! I hope you too get to be the rockstar for someone someday!! :) @Albertkinng @mimsical


@shrikant @Albertkinng @mimsical @Gargron

Ergo, if a Mastodon server suspends our account, we have legal right to our Following & Followers provided that data was not 'accidentally' deleted?


@Albertkinng @mimsical The follows and followers that connect you to those around you in the platform. They form a graph -- in the sense of vertices and edges, not a plot or chart.

Peter du Toit

@mimsical do both these not allow you to take your social graph with you when you move?

Here they (Meta) explicitly say this is the reason Threads is integrating ActivityPub?

Peter du Toit

@manualdousuario @mimsical and we all have reason not to. But we do know they have met with Mastodon server admins to discuss federation so there is that.

In case you haven’t seen this:

Tony Hill

@manualdousuario @peterdutoit @mimsical I think there will never be a point where one can trust Meta, or Mr Musk (I liked ((past tense)) Twitter, a lot), or Google, or the like.

Peter du Toit

@TonyHill @manualdousuario @mimsical we will no doubt know soon enough where the chips fall as far as Meta is concerned and the wider Fediverse

Tony Hill

@peterdutoit @manualdousuario @mimsical Probably. I am quite sceptical towards the mentioned ActivityPub thing.


@peterdutoit @mimsical exactly :-)
Though most people say they will block Threads from their servers.



Agreed. This was already always on my mind, but the twitter fallout solidified it for sure.


@mimsical have a BlueSky invite so I can see why it’s all about?


@breadandwater @mimsical I’m also super curious, have applied to the waiting list 3 times over the past few months and nothing. :-/


@mimsical yeah. Getting unwanted "suggested for you" posts from accounts I don't follow is not my idea of 'fun'. I want to only read what I want to read, period

Santiago Lema :amiga:

@endolex @mimsical Exactly this. It seems all shills for sales-based-social-media repeat this “fun” mantra. I imagine it’s a way to say they have dumb memes, as if we didn’t have them over here because of some perceived GIF scarcity.

jdrch 🇺🇦

@mimsical So we should all run our own Mastodon server? Kinda confused about what "control" really means


@jdrch @mimsical I have wondered what it would take to make this work. Seems like the ultimate federated approach would look like this. Only we'd probably want a bottom-up hierarchy with this at the very bottom, to make managing defederation easier.

@mimsical Is it that people don't know they are being manipulated or they don't care that they are being manipulated? People are 🐑🐑 afterall.
Tom Harting

@mimsical Although both have (at least the promise of) some sort of decentralized possibilities right? Naturally I will only believe it once I see it since trust in these companies is close to zero, but at least it is a kind of hopeful for the decentralized cause.


@mimsical Would not be fair to add to that statement insofar as ownership - server instance admins have a stake in that?

yes, it's me, liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦

@mimsical boom there it is. that's the part no capitalist wants you to control

Josh Wells

@mimsical isn't bluesky meant to (once out of beta) allow you to run your own instance/PDS and be decentralized?

Maxi 9x 💉

@bonz @mimsical Yes, but the whole architecture is very centralist designed. You are just moving your data storage (PDS) around.

Josh Wells

@frumble @mimsical Which is generally looked at as a pro in my mind. Mastodon and AP in general lacks greatly in the discovery aspect.

Unfortunately for good interoperability in any good platform, there has to be some inherent centralization somewhere. If you look at DNS, the address-book of the internet, you're free to choose where to host your domain and nameservers wherever you choose. There still has to be a central directory to know where everything is.


@bonz @mimsical yes but it’s not part of this fediverse’s activitypub protocol. :-(

mori_au 🇦🇺

@mimsical Funny how long it has taken some people to realise what should have been patently obvious from the very first moment, a decade ago.

HK★TMK | Fandom & Boosts

@mimsical Yet I still can't move my post backlog with me between instances, which sucks as an artist. 😓

Just Boby

@mimsical Did you find the “mute conversation” button yet?
Just curious. It’s handy.
Went through your mentions and I thought you could use this super important tip.

Nick Bohle 🇪🇺

@mimsical Well, I would start earlier. Create your own domain, post content there and just send the headlines to Mastodon and the evil side.

Richard Azia

@mimsical The other lesson is "don't trust any social network where an algorithm controls what you see, rather than a chronological order.


@mimsical However even if I control my own node on that social graph, without other nodes, the graph is not that interesting


@mimsical how is Bluesky fun? I feel jack is ruining it with it's invite code requirement, most people don't mind trying it with all it's flaws.


@mimsical Well it's just the principle of OSS, I suppose, getting to take control not only over your code and your software, but the computing experience that's now so central to our lives. Maybe the PinePhone might end up being the perfect device to use and, of course, install Mastodon onto!

Clinical Rawlsian

@mimsical This is why I wish there was a way to make Mastodon and other Federation apps more fun.

Part of that is quote posts. But it also needs to be easier to see all the follows of people you follow and to see all the replies to a post.


@mimsical corporate social media are fun like cocaine is fun. You should probably not do it

Charadon And that part of your life, is your Sense of Reality

Knud Jahnke


"If there's a business model but they don't charge you, the you are not the customer, you are the merchandise."

Wendell Bell

@mimsical @MattFerrel And rebuilding takes like 40 person-hours, each time.


@mimsical I'd love to say that #bluesky is fun. Unfortunately, I'm on the waitlist that isn't. Being basically invite only just reminds me of that George Carlin comment "it's their club and you're not invited."

Bryan Hansel

@mimsical in theory, Threads will allow it as they build out the features.


@mimsical The lesson I’ve learned is that doom scrolling is being cultivated as a part of a larger misinformation model. Aside from the obvious troll/bot accounts there are others seeking to overwhelm the consumer.



It simply should not be part of private enterprise…

I hope that is what we learned from the passed few years; shady intransparent algorithms, manipulation, doxing, fake news, propaganda, right wing biased ownership and manipulating elections, collecting personal data, anything else?

Finally regulations are starting to take shape with the EU digital services act.

Abhimanyu Aryan

@mimsical I posted the same thing when I joined mastodon


@mimsical the phrase "using the cloud is just using someone else's computer" and its variations needed a good social media counterpart.

Helgi Crookehorne

@mimsical Threads is just Instagram with limited interface. The same moderation etc. Those people could have used Instagram instead long ago, and post photos.

Meow.tar.gz :verified:

@mimsical Honestly, I don't see how Threads or Bluesky can be fun - it's corporate social media skullduggery. The #fediverse is fun!

Dave Hay

@mimsical a former boss of mine, who was a seasoned player of poker, once told me - “if you look around the table, and can’t quite work out who has the bad hand ( is the mug ), then it’s probably you”

Similarly, another wise person said “if you can’t see the product, you’re the product” or words to that effect

David Slifka

@mimsical well said. my enthusiasm for threads is 100% based on the hope they follow through with becoming a real instance, including allowing freedom of exit.

Rodion Borisov


Every time someone signs up at these conspiring platforms, that someone makes identity theft look more convincing. In parallel to living being's blog entries, under scrutiny, we can observe other covert actions. Shadowbanning on YouTube, Twitter, etc. Reddit doesn't even hide it.

Eric MacKnight

@mimsical IOW: If it's free, it isn't free. Choose #noalgorithm, #nodatamining, and support your local Mastodon instance with whatever you can afford.

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