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Mike Kasprzak 🦖

@aeva @cwebber FWIW yes Rust can interface with C libraries. It wouldn't be very useful if it couldn't 😉. There is a working group focused on the needs of game developers, but thanks to NDAs, how well supported each device is is extremely ambiguous. Behind the scenes Rust uses LLVM, so if a console doesn't support LLVM (Xbox?) it's probably a bigger headache.

By now I would imagine somebody has shipped a Rust game on all 3. 🤷‍♂️


@mike @cwebber until that I know someone has actually successfully ported a rust title to all the major game consoles, I must assume that it's a significant amount of work to do so. Yes, it should be possible, but the real concern is not whether it's technically possible but how much work it would be to do it. My time is very finite.


@mike @cwebber a theme I notice in a lot of these kinds of conversations is that there seems to often be an assumption that my time and attention are of low value 😔

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