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stereo griever

@cwebber I'm a rust dev but also contributing to a distro and this goes so hard. like, rustls looks cool, but there's no way to get it dynamically linked! which just gets me to keep using openssl instead! so many crates just try to for whatever reason silently build C dependencies for me! why?!

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@selfisekai @cwebber I hate when crates just assume the downstream user wants to build a C library and statically link it! I don't think language toolchains should try to overtake the work of other languages' toolchains.

Val Packett most crates with C dependencies have an environment variable or something to prefer pkg-config

why rustls-ffi is not
cdylib is beyond me, that seems very stupid, but you could probably just make it that in cargo.toml and build it and link dynamically

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