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@haskal @cwebber I mean yeah, any sort of dynamic linking is going to need some ABI, and supporting that is inevitably going to be some work for someone somewhere. but I think the point stands that dynamic linking still allows for some cross-language compatibility that static linking doesn't really allow at all.

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Vertigo #$FF

@imyxh @haskal @cwebber Unless it's built for that purpose. AmigaOS libraries are all statically linked, and they're shared across a wide variety of programs and languages. The OS itself is written as a collection of these libraries (most in C, dos.library in BCPL at one time), which nearly all apps use. Apps take on a variety of languages from BASIC to BCPL to Modula-2 to C to interpreted languages like ARexx.

It's not impossible. Just not done under WIndows or Linux.

Amir Livne Bar-on

@imyxh @haskal @cwebber there's the windows way, that every dynamic library is accompanied by a static library that dlopen()s it and calls it. or at least it used to be this way two decades ago. i'm not sure why they did that but these static libraries can be translated to different languages and implement an ffi internally.

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