@dec_hl I am so confused right now - it's JavaScript but it requires DOS? Like, it is not a DOS emulator? AAAhhh I just wanna know if I can run DOStodon on Linux aaahh
@dannotdaniel #DOStodon is based on #DOjS, another project of mine.#DOjS is a #Javascript based #CreativeCoding IDE for #MSDOS. So basically a Javascript language runtime without a browser (e.g. like #NodeJS).
So I used #DOjS to implement a #MastodonClient in #Javascript 😊
If you get @DOSBox_Staging for #Linux you can use the supplied config file on GitHub and you can run #DOStodon in #DOSBox
Thus going: Linux->DOSBox->DOjS->DOStodon 🤣
@dec_hl how to win at everything 🤣🔥
@dannotdaniel #DOStodon is based on #DOjS, another project of mine.
#DOjS is a #Javascript based #CreativeCoding IDE for #MSDOS. So basically a Javascript language runtime without a browser (e.g. like #NodeJS).
So I used #DOjS to implement a #MastodonClient in #Javascript 😊
If you get @DOSBox_Staging for #Linux you can use the supplied config file on GitHub and you can run #DOStodon in #DOSBox