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Mitsunee | 光音

@sofia there wouldn't be a reason to block JS if it wasn't for advertisers and other such nonsense

sofia ☮️🏴

@mitsunee i disagree. just because i visit your website does not mean i wanna run whatever code you have there. i think this would be a good disincentive to use JS for no good reason, which is like 95% of those websites that start of blank before you enable js. a static-ass website, but they gotta use some framework shit.

Mitsunee | 光音

@sofia if you don't wanna run my code then don't visit the site? My sites aren't blank without JS either, that problem got solved literally years ago and was merely caused by people overusing ui libraries without a framework that let's them work at scale. In fact it was never a problem for any of *my* sites. Fuck off with your pointless accusations.

sofia ☮️🏴

@mitsunee i really didn't mean to accuse you in particulat of making shitty websites, sorry if that's how it came across. it was meant to be a generic "you". the blank website phenomenon is very much still a thing, and it's super annoying, and yeah, framework fans promised me that would go away years ago…

running arbitrary code just seems like something that should have special permissions in a system that is stilll primarily used for documents. just like, say, camera access.

sofia ☮️🏴

@mitsunee i guess my feelinmg about frameworks are party motivated by me trying to and failing to understand React (i guess it has something to do with automatically synchronizing data and UI 🤷). and when the main notable effect of this arcane magic is breaking static websites then that's just a bit… disappointing…

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