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Ramsey Nasser

anyway it turns out you cant use quickbooks on linux


@nasser According to Intuit, some years ago; it was vaguely possible to use Linux as fileshare, sorta.

However, they only had I think two approved distros? Both of which were *terrible*.

Bad: their support, totally clueless w.r.t. to Linux.

Worse: even when I did manage to sort of get their approved distros running, turns out: they didn't implement any sort of file locking sanity checks.

Hellish: Intuit blamed it on Linux running in a VM (as if I would put something that busted into prod without testing first?)

But yeah, the client side app was still Windows only last I checked.

Thankfully: there are other accounting applications, from vendors which haven't lost lawsuits filed by the FTC.

@nasser According to Intuit, some years ago; it was vaguely possible to use Linux as fileshare, sorta.

However, they only had I think two approved distros? Both of which were *terrible*.

Bad: their support, totally clueless w.r.t. to Linux.

Worse: even when I did manage to sort of get their approved distros running, turns out: they didn't implement any sort of file locking sanity checks.


@nasser You should definitely chat with them about THAT!


@jeaux @nasser Yes, that would be an honorable mission: To take the time and tell every chatbot to _please_ stop chatboting.


@manx Chatbox Frustrator sounds like a noble title indeed.🙌


@jeaux Love that. 😂 Now I want a new job.


@manx Chief Chatbot Frustrator — you just motivate the other Frustrators to frustrate all day!✨


@jeaux CCF – the new made up title for my resume.


@manx You are legendary in that role. Everyone knows your work!

Chris [list of emoji]


Also, the actual text on the page is ChatGPT-levels of weaselly.

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