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Simon Willison

Python programmers: do you habitually use pipx to install new tools written in Python?

Anonymous poll


Yes, I use pipx
No, I don't use pipx
I don't know how to use pipx
198 people voted.
Voting ended 13 Jul 2023 at 19:27.
Matt Cengia (seeking work)

@simon I have historically, but I've recently started trying out 'rye' instead.

Jeff Forcier

@simon voted yes, but really it's "I _sometimes_ use pipx” - a lot of the time I'll still just regular-pip install into an appropriate virtualenv, because lazy or because reasons

Siddhant Goel

@simon I prefer using the OS package manager and use pipx if the package manager doesn’t have what I need.



Yes, as non-admin user on linux after python3.11, installing to ~/.local/bin

David Brownman

@simon brew is preferred, but pipx is great for things not big enough to be there.

I do prefer local installs for project-specific tools (like pytest, where I just have many copies of it on my computer). But for general purposes utilities that happen to be written in Python, pipx is perfect.

🥥Matthew Martin🥥☑

@simon If it is in python and has a CLI interface, it should be installed with pipx unless you enjoy trouble shooting incompatible libraries. If the tool needs to be able to run `import yourcode`, such as mypy, pydoc, pytest, then you can't install with pipx.

It is still sort of intermediate still level to realize why it should matter & getting pipx itself installed in the first place (or worse trying to update/replace the python that all the pipx apps are using)

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@mistersql @simon Yeah, usually I install things like mypy on a per-project basis (e. g. as dev-dependencies).

As an added benefit it makes it easier to enforce processes across the whole team (and everybody uses the same version, which means less surprising non-reproducible bugs).


@simon I use it, but rarely. I have maybe 2-3 tools installed using it.

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