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Soatok Dreamseeker

That feeling when the meeting has run over its allotted time, you want to meet your food delivery person before they ring the doorbell (which makes the dogs bark and wakes your housemates up), but there's a manager attending who therefore won't stop yammering on


Spill your coffee, go camera off, sorted. There's not going to be a test on the meaningless babble.

Altytwo Altryness, BS :verified:

@soatok Oy. My current record is a meeting running a full hour over and it started after five in the first place. =\

Cynra Aexara

@soatok that's the "I have a conflict, need to leave" kinda time

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

@soatok wait how did your know.... I was in this situation literally yesterday

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