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shoutout to the ben gurion airport checked luggage security team, who took my carefully folded clothes, inspected them, and then threw them back into the suitcase in the most wrinkled way possible

now I look like I've just crawled out of a dumpster, thanks

oh and honorable mention to the fact that they've put my IPL thingy out of its bag and into a section of a suitcase that i didn't even know existed, so I had to look for it for like 10 minutes, wtf

1 comment
Alexandra т

@astrr this reminds me how I was 1 (one) minute late to a Moscow-SPb flight because:

1) online registration didn't work, and I had to re-register offline and then wait in a queue again
2) the security felt they need to have me pull out and power on my laptop AND my Steam Deck

had to get another ticket for the full price -_-

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